GameHoarder is a django web app aimed to help you organize your video game collection and track titles you are interested in.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
A file named ./GameHoarder/
has to be created with the following content:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # or configure your allowed hosts
API_KEY = "<GiantBomb API key>"
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'gamecollection',
'USER': 'test',
'PASSWORD': 'test',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '3306',
BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379'
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://localhost:6379'
The only parameter that requires changes is API_KEY
, your GiantBomb API key
should be placed here.
Note: this section is only for manual deployment. Skip if Docker will be used.
Any GNU/Linux distro. It has been tested on Arch Linux and Windows 10.
packages. -
Additional Python packages
sudo pacman -S python redis
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: this section is only for Docker deployment. Skip if it will be deployed manually.
In order for the MySQL container to work and retain data, an empty folder needs to be created at the path
. Data from the DB will be stored there. This path can be changed indocker-compose.yml
. -
The MySQL and Redis parameters can be configured at will, but they must be present in the file for
to work. IfDocker
will be used, do not modify the following parameters:BROKER_URL
If no additional changes were made to
, simply run:
docker-compose up
This should create Redis, MySQL and GameHoarder containers named redis_iw13
and gamehoarder
has additional changes, Dockerfile
must be changed first.
Note: this steps are not required if Docker is the deployment method
GameHoarder uses celery to run asyncronous tasks, to allow celery to work one should start a redis-server:
and start the celery worker before running the django app:
celery -A GameHoarder worker -l info
- Bootstrap Template based on Gentelella by Colorlib,
- Landing Page based on Cloud83 by Colorlib,
- All static photos taken from Unsplash, see detailed information here.
- Icon Pack from Essential Collection