🏮 I'm a student who loves to learn new languages
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Walk properly, not slowly, work smartly, not quickly
🏮 I'm a student who loves to learn new languages
🏮 Feel free to explore my repositories
🏮 Follow me to keep up-to-date with my upcoming projects!
Walk properly, not slowly, work smartly, not quickly
This is a CLI-based program that you can use to generate an MD5 hash value for a file. You might want to utilize the generated hash value with advanced malware scanning engine like VirusTotal, enab…
Tcl 1
Meet the Enhanced Version of hfsum! Enjoy an array of customization options and a broader selection of hashing algorithms. Be aware that due to increased functionality, the performance of this CLI-…
Python 1
This system was created to allow the library management system's smoothness by minimizing all possible errors.
Our code contains 4 algorithms from Classical Encryption Techniques which are Caesar cipher, rail fence cipher, monoalphabetic cipher, and Vernam cipher. We provide the encryption code and decrypti…
Custom chmod bash script to change permission quickly
Shell 1