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What is Bincoin ?

Bincoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency payment system that was created cryptographically which run on an open source software and it is not being controlled by any entity. The Bincoin cryptocurrency payment system is not govern by any government or bank.

BIN is real Crypto with limited coin supply 100000000 coins. Supports wallets PC, Linux, Android in play store as well IOS in Apple store .

Blockchain Tools

Web Wallet:

Exchange :

Merchant :


Difficulty Retargetting Algorithm : Crypto Night Classic

Blockchain Protocol : CryptoNote

Mining Block Reward : Upto 0.03 BIN / Block mine

If you wish to build the GUI version of the wallet, go here:

In a world of mounting threats to personal liberty, bincoin adds a new front of resistance through real financial freedom. bincoin is based on time-tested blockchain technology while also adding extreme privacy features in its CryptoNote algorithm. The code is (and will always remain) free and open-source!

Building bincoin

On *nix

Dependencies: GCC 4.7.3 or later, CMake 2.8.6 or later, and Boost 1.55.

You may download them from:

To build, change to a directory where this file is located, and run make. The resulting executables can be found in build/release/src.

Advanced options:

  • Parallel build: run make -j<number of threads> instead of make.
  • Debug build: run make build-debug.
  • Test suite: run make test-release to run tests in addition to building. Running make test-debug will do the same to the debug version.
  • Building with Clang: it may be possible to use Clang instead of GCC, but this may not work everywhere. To build, run export CC=clang CXX=clang++ before running make.

On Windows

Dependencies: MSVC 2013 or later, CMake 2.8.6 or later, and Boost 1.55. You may download them from:

To build, change to a directory where this file is located, and run theas commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ..

And then do Build. Good luck!

Building for Android on Linux

Set up the 32 bit toolchain Download and extract the Android SDK and NDK

android-ndk-r15c/build/tools/ --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch arm --install-dir /opt/android/tool32

Download and setup the Boost 1.65.1 source

wget -O boost_1_65_1.tar.bz2
tar xjf boost_1_65_1.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_65_1

apply patch from external/boost1_65_1/libs/filesystem/src

Build Boost with the 32 bit toolchain

export PATH=/opt/android/tool32/arm-linux-androideabi/bin:/opt/android/tool32/bin:$PATH
./b2 abi=aapcs architecture=arm binary-format=elf address-model=32 link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --with-context --with-coroutine --with-atomic --build-dir=android32 --stagedir=android32 toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android --reconfigure stage

Build bincoin for 32 bit Android

mkdir -p build/release.android32
cd build/release.android32
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D ARCH="armv7-a" -ldl -D STATIC=ON -D BUILD_64=OFF -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -D ANDROID=true -D BUILD_TAG="android" -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_65_1 -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/opt/android/boost_1_65_1/android32/lib -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true -D BOOST_IGNORE_SYSTEM_PATHS_DEFAULT=ON ../..
make SimpleWallet


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