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graphical browser for bio4j model

Eduardo Pareja Tobes edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 10 revisions
  • difficulty medium
  • technologies datavis++++, javascript+, blueprints, titan, neo4j

In our experience the biggest barrier for users (even more so if they are not developers) when confronted with bio4j for the first time is the lack of a graphical way of exploring and interacting with the domain model. We are working right now on adding to each module a description of the corresponding data model, and that will be reified into the data stored (possibly physically separated from the "normal" data), and exposed through a HTTP REST endpoint.

The idea then is to implement a web-based client tool for browsing and inspecting graphically the corresponding domain models. In terms of technologies, we want something based on web standards, thus D3 or sigma.js are plausible options.

Later this could be refined for each technology, and generic browsers for Titan types or Neo4j schemas could be extracted from it.

expected outcome

A web-based tool capable of displaying in a graphical way the schemas of bio4j modules, allowing the user to explore them and get precise typing information from each element. The goal is to lower the entry barrier for understanding Bio4j domain model.
