provides a convenient set of functionalities used in the pre-analytic
processing pipeline for mass spectrometry based metabolomics data. Functions are
included for the following processes commonly performed prior to analysis of
such data:
- Summarization of technical replicates (if available)
- Filtering of metabolites
- Imputation of missing values
- Transformation, normalization, and batch correction
Original manuscript published in Bioinformatics, and package is hosted by Bioconductor.
Additional helpful links:
Install via Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
Install via Github:
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
Two examples are provided below. For more detailed information see the package Vignette which can be accessed via Bioconductor or by using the following R command following package installation:
vignette("using_MSPrep", package = "MSPrep")
The following code loads the example data set, MSQuant
, summarizes its
technical replicates, filters metabolites by only keeping those which are
present in 80% of samples, imputes missing values using k-nearest neighbors,
applies a log base ten transformation, and finally normalizes and batch corrects
the data set using quantile normalization and ComBat batch correction. Data is
then returned as a data.frame
preparedDF <- msPrepare(msquant,
minPropPresent = 1/3,
missingValue = 1,
filterPercent = 0.8,
imputeMethod = "knn",
transform = "log10",
normalizeMethod = "quantile + ComBat",
covariatesOfInterest = c("spike"),
compVars = c("mz", "rt"),
sampleVars = c("spike", "batch", "replicate",
colExtraText = "Neutral_Operator_Dif_Pos_",
separator = "_")
The second example uses the data set COPD_131
. The raw data set can be found here, at Metabolomics Workbench.. The code loads the data set,
summarizes its
technical replicates, filters metabolites by only keeping those which are
present in 80% of samples, imputes missing values using BPCA imputation,
and finally normalizes the data set using median normalization. Data is then
returned as a SummarizedExperiment
by setting the argument
returnToSE = TRUE
preparedSE <- msPrepare(COPD_131,
minPropPresent = 1/3,
filterPercent = 0.8,
missingValue = 0,
imputeMethod = "bpca",
nPcs = 3,
normalizeMethod = "median",
transform = "none",
compVars = c("Mass", "Retention.Time",
sampleVars = c("subject_id", "replicate"),
colExtraText = "X",
separator = "_",
returnToSE = TRUE)
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