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Sample project to illustrate problems with Shadow plugin v6.1.0.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone project.
  2. Open in Intellij IDEA.
  3. Open buildSrc/build.gradle.kts, make sure version 6.1.0 is used.
  4. Sync project with Gradle files.
  5. Open buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/app-convention.gradle.kts. Wait for IDE hints to show up.
  6. Find shadowJar fragment, confirm that type hints are broken (??? shows up instead of a proper type).

Repeat the same steps, but for version 6.0.0 at step 3. Type hint at step 6 appears correctly, as ShadowJar.

Type hints broken Class references unresolved Some parts of a JAR are missing ("tasks" and "internal")