A simple CAPTCHA image generator.
This module provides a single class (Claptcha) that can create on the fly PIL Image instances, BytesIO objects or save image files containing a simple CAPTCHA strings. Its built on top of Pillow package.
It is required that user provides a TTF file with font to be used in images and either a string with CAPTCHA text or a callable object returning strings to be used in images.
$ pip3 install claptcha
$ python3 setup.py install
from claptcha import Claptcha
# Initialize Claptcha object with "Text" as text and FreeMono as font
c = Claptcha("Text", "FreeMono.ttf")
# Get PIL Image object
text, image = c.image
print(text)) # 'Text'
print(type(image))) # <class 'PIL.Image.Image'>
# Get BytesIO object (note that it will represent a different image, just
# with the same text)
text, bytes = c.bytes
print(text)) # 'Text'
print(type(bytes))) # <class '_io.BytesIO'>
# Save a PNG file 'test.png'
text, file = c.write('test.png')
print(text)) # 'Text'
print(file)) # 'test.png'
import random
import string
from PIL import Image
from claptcha import Claptcha
def randomString():
rndLetters = (random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(6))
return "".join(rndLetters)
# Initialize Claptcha object with random text, FreeMono as font, of size
# 100x30px, using bicubic resampling filter and adding a bit of white noise
c = Claptcha(randomString, "FreeMono.ttf", (100,30),
resample=Image.BICUBIC, noise=0.3)
text, _ = c.write('captcha1.png')
print(text) # 'PZTBXB', string printed into captcha1.png
text, _ = c.write('captcha2.png')
print(text) # 'NEDKEM', string printed into captcha2.png
# Change images' size to 150x90 and estimated margin to 25x25
c.size = (150,90)
c.margin = (25,25)
text, _ = c.write('captcha3.png')
print(text) # 'XCQYVS', captcha3.png has different dimentions than
# captcha1.png and captcha2.png