Eval plugin for Domo
Asks Domo politely to evaluate your JavaScript/CoffeeScript
npm install domo-eval
Add domo-eval to Domo's configuration or load it with the !load command
!eval [flags] <Javascript/CoffeeScript>
- -c
- Evaluate CoffeeScript
- With -v flag outputs only the compiled JavaScript
!eval var a = 1; a + 2;
00:47 Domo: 3
!eval -c a = (word for word in ['hello', 'world']).join ' '
00:50 Domo: 'hello world'
!eval -c -v a = (word for word in ['hello', 'world']).join ' '
00:50 Domo: var a, word;
00:50 Domo: a = ((function() {
00:50 Domo: var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
00:50 Domo: _ref = ['hello', 'world'];
00:50 Domo: _results = [];
00:50 Domo: for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
00:50 Domo: word = _ref[_i];
00:50 Domo: _results.push(word);
00:51 Domo: }
00:51 Domo: return _results;
00:51 Domo: })()).join(' ');