Reports and articles scraper for bug bounty hunters.
The script will fetch the article links for you, based on your query. Enter anything you want to search, whether a vulnerability description, or a bug writeup on Medium, or a public report on Hackerone, this tool will scrape everything relevant for you, with the specified result count.
You need to have Python version 3.4+
sudo apt-get install python3
Downloading and setting up the tool:
git clone
cd SecScraper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Syntax: -t TYPE -q QUERY -c [COUNT] -o [OUTPUT_FILE]
Type: The platform where the content needs to be searched
Current options for type:
- Medium
- Hackerone
Query: The string to search, for e.g., "sql injection", "file upload", "graphql", etc.
Count: The result count to fetch, for e.g., number of articles/reports (default: 10)
Output: Save the scan results in the specified file
python3 -t medium -q "sql injection"
python3 -t hackerone -q "authentication bypass" -c 50
python3 -t hackerone -q "authentication bypass" -c 50 -o /tmp/output.txt
Please report functionality issues and bugs if found.