development envir for gg02 biohpc
: version 0.6 or above (should be in path on biohpc)multiqc
: install multiqc using the following command:pip install --user multiqc
: version 2.7.0e or above (add to pathexport PATH=/programs/STAR:$PATH
: version 2.61 (add to path using this guideline biohpc)
nohup bash "[-h arg] [-p arg] [-d args] [-t arg] [-g arg] [-q arg]" > 3.4.log &
Params Description:
"[-h] --> Display Help"
"[-p] --> Project Identifier Number"
"[-d] --> Comma Spearated Values for Delimiter and Field <delim,field or default> default: _,5 "
"[-t] --> Trimming <nextseq or nova>;"
"[-g] --> Reference Genome <mm10 or hg38>"
"[-q] --> Execute atacQC.R script <yes>"
- Create a folder named fastqs and add all the PE fastq files to this folder
- Run the script from the same dir as the fastqs directory
├── ****
├── dedup-BAMS
│ ├── PIN.FRIP.multiqc.report_data
│ ├── atacQC.out
│ ├── featureCounts
│ ├── peaks.OUT
│ └── tagDirs
├── fastQC
├── **fastqs**
├── primary-BAMS
├── trimmed_fastqs
└── TrimQC_stats
Tools needed:
- trim_galore
- fastqc
- bwa
- samtools
- picard tools
- homer suite (w/ human and mouse genome config)
- macs2
- featureCounts (rsubread)
- multiqc