JSOBS (pronounced "jay-sobs") is simple object storage for JSON-encodable objects in a PostgreSQL database.
Future versions may also support SQLite, Amazon S3, and (maybe) the file system.
This package is new (as of June 2023) and has not been tested much. Like all software, it probably contains bugs, and like all new software it probably contains a lot of them. 🪲🪲🪲
Generate a request/response pair and serialize it to JSON, then store it with a ULID that matches the transaction in your logs. If you find a problem, you can reconstitute the full converstaion from the JSOBS data.
(This is the original use case that led to the JSOBS package.)
Warehouse your objects in JSON and query them using the powerful features of
PostgreSQL's JSONB
type. Reconstitute the objects in code as needed. This
is a great match for ORM-centric systems.
Want discoverability in the short term, and stable long-term storage for things outside the window of attention? Double-store your data with two simple calls, each with its own TTL.
Besides the limitations of your database(s), please keep in mind:
There is no support for complex metadata at this time. Maybe later? Maybe not.
Currently the only time data is purged is when Shutdown is called. This may be problematic for your use case!
One solution is to just call Backend.Purge()
at your leisure. Another,
which may be added here in the future, is to run the same on a timer so that
as long as the process is running, a purge happens ever (configurable) so
The latter seems nicer, but it also has a big downside: in busy systems, you might end up with resource contention.