All libraries are native C++ libraries for the Raspberry Pi Pico for use with the pico-sdk.
Library | Description |
MPU6050 | I2C library for mpu6050 gyroscope and accelerometer sensor |
ILI934X | SPI library for ILI9341 and ILI9342 display drivers (for TFT screens) |
BMP280 | I2C library for BMP280 barometric pressure and temperature sensor |
BH1750 | I2C library for BH1750 ambient light sensor |
MCP23XXX | I2C library for MCP23X08 and MCP23X17 GPIO expander |
DS1307 | I2C library for the DS1307 RTC module |
ULN2003 | GPIO library for the generic/cheap ULN2003 stepper motor driver |
PCA9685 | I2C library for the PCA9685 PWM 16 Channel Servo Driver |
You will first need to check out the pico-libs repository, and then copy external/pico_libs_import.cmake
from the repository to the root of your firmware application.
You can add any library from the pico-lib's adding a libary such as ili934x onto the end of your target_link_libraries in cmake:
target_link_libraries([your executable] pico_stdlib ili934x)
You can then include 'ili934x.h' and use the following methods from the ili934x class.