This class provides a first and very basic version of an ordinary E6-B flight computer also nicknamed the "whiz wheel".
An E6-B calculator is a form of circular slide rule used in aviation and one of a very few analog computers in widespread use in the 21st century.
Imagine we want to fly a course of 220 degrees having a true airspeed of 110 kts. Wind comes from a direction of 270 degrees with a speed of 25 kts. So what's the resulting angle of correction, heading and groundspeed?
use bjoernffm\e6b\Calculator as e6bCalc;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$result = e6bCalc::getWindCorrectionAngle(220, 110, 270, 25);
array(3) {
'windCorrectionAngle' =>
'heading' =>
'groundSpeed' =>
Have fun using the E6-B emulation!