A simple wrapper around rsync for easily doing or restoring small backups
The program has only one setting, defining the remote mirror of your repo. This setting is placed in a file called .backupconf, which in turn is placed at the root of the file tree you wish to backup.
bw-backup push|pull|info|help
bw-backup init|pushonce [remote-user@remote-host:remote-path]
Runs rsync to preset remote destination.
Runs rsync from preset remote destination.
Prints settings for the current repository.
Prints this text and exits.
init [remote-user@remote-host:remote-path]
Initiates a new repository in the current
working directory, verifying that the remote
destination exists - and creating it if needed.
pushonce [remote-user@remote-host:remote-path]
Does not set up a repository, or even check if
one already exists. Instead only does one push.
Notably this command does NOT use the --delete
flag to rsync, and will thereby never erase data
in the remote destination (though it may override
with local files of the same name).