Elixir solution for implementing the encoding and decoding of the Bencode format. This project was completed for academic purposes and while it adheres to the BitTorrent Spec it has not been tested with live BitTorrent traffic.
Add this github repository to your project dependencies.
import Bencode
{ status, result } = Bencode.decode(...)
is either a String
, Number
, Array
, or Object
iex> Bencode.encode "fox molder"
"10:fox molder"
Returns a tuple of status {:ok, ____}
iex> Bencode.decode "i400e"
{ :ok, 400 }
iex> Bencode.decode "17:hello cheese cake"
{ :ok, "hello cheese cake" }
iex> Bencode.decode "lll2:hieee"
{ :ok, [[["hi"]]]}