This platform is a tool to generate consumer interest or inquiry into a specified products or services of a business. In this case I’d like to provide a flexible system to startup a web app for retrieve estimate request from users and deliver them automatically to the business company that operate in a specified field. With this we’d like to promote the local business.
Each company has those attributes:
area of competence: rapresents the geographic area (like country or province) where the company can work
categories: rapresents the fields where the company works (like plumber, mason and so on…)
You can find a version of this app in production mode at
As admin you can:
edit page for the frontend, all the pages are shipped with editable SEO proprieties like meta key, meta description, permalink and so on
edit post into for the blog
edit question for Q&A system
edit business company
edit company’s categories that rapresent the company skill
manage the estimates send to the companies
manage contacts subscribed from newsletter module
As company you can:
edit your companies
choosing categories for the company
choosing area of competence for the company
edit post into the blog, at the end of the post will appear you company information
visualize the estimates sent to the company
As guest you can:
create new questions
reply to question
comment out the post
authentication is handled with
user can send estimate request to X companies by selecting the categories where he’s interested
will be selected all the companies with the same area of competence and categories pointed out by the user, data will be stored and an email will be sent at the companies
user can show companies on the map and look out the detail
Right now, there is no template system for it, all the frontend views are located into app/view/frontends and app/view/layouts/frontends and are handled by frontends_controller.rb . You need to modify manually those files.
change the settings into database.yml, named routes into routes.rb and run
bundle install rake db:migrate rake leadgeneration:import_departments rake leadgeneration:import_cities rake leadgeneration:create_admin rails s
open your browser at
write more test
create a default frontend template
add english translation for backend, just in italian right now