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Wrapper around Protractor, providing synchronous test writing and lots of helper functions.


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What is this?

Protractor-sync builds on Protractor and provides:

  • Synchronous-style test writing (using fibers, behind the scenes) allowing all commands to execute immediately.
  • Polling mechanisms for testing asynchronous apps (polledExpect, elementFinderSync.waitUntil & .waitUntilRemoved, waitFor)
  • JQuery methods such as hasClass, closest, and is
  • Automatic stale element re-selection (if a stale element is encountered, try to re-select it based on its original selector)
  • Automatic blocked click retrying (if another element would receive the click, keep retrying until timeout expires)
  • Chaining (e.g. myElement.clear().sendKeys('text'))
  • Allows 'try/catch' syntax for straightforward error handling



  • Protractor 5.3 or higher (or something like grunt-protractor-runner, which includes it)
  • asyncblock (npm install asyncblock)
  • Jasmine (Comes with Protractor. Other frameworks can be used, but some features only work with Jasmine)

Install: npm install protractor-sync


import * as ab from 'asyncblock';
import { browserSync, configure, elementSync, polledExpect} from '../../app/index';

configure({ implicitWaitMs: 500 });

function createTest(fn: Function, errorMsg?: string) {
  return (done: Function) => {
    ab(() => {
    }, (err: any) => {
      if (errorMsg) {
      } else {
        expect(err && err.stack || err || undefined).toBeUndefined();

describe('Google Translate', () => {
  const googleTranslateUrl = '';

  it('does not show the clear button when no text exists in the source field', createTest(() => {

    const rootElement = elementSync.findVisible('#gt-src-c');
    polledExpect(() => rootElement.findElement('.clear-button').isDisplayed()).toEqual(false);

  it('does show the clear button after entering text in the source field', createTest(() => {

    const rootElement = elementSync.findVisible('#gt-src-c');
    polledExpect(() => rootElement.findElement('.clear-button').isDisplayed()).toEqual(true);

See test/spec/protractor-sync_test.ts for more examples.

How to contribute

Thanks you for your interest in Protractor-sync. In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Please add tests for any new or changed functionality.




  • Do not set an implicit wait in Protractor/selenium. Set an implicit wait time using protractorSync.configure instead.
  • Turn off Protractor synchronization (browserSync.getBrowser().waitForAngularEnabled(false);) for faster tests. You can also enable/disable it during portions of tests.
  • Always use findVisible, except for special situations where you want to select a hidden element.
  • If you must manually pass a waitTimeMS, set it as a multiple of the implicitWaitTimeMs so it will scale on slower machines.

Build tasks

  • npm start - Builds the code and watches for changes
  • npm test - Builds the code, runs the linter, updates Webdriver if needed, and runs the test suite
  • npm publish - Publish a new version to NPM

This project will automatically build, lint and test when pushing code to a remote repository.