This plugin allows publishing log records from fluent-bit to Google Cloud PubSub.
fluent-bit -e /path/to/ -c fluent-bit.conf
match *
name pubsub
gcp_project_id noponies4u_logs
topic_id fluent_logs
credentials_file /etc/fluent-bit/gcs.json
Option Name | Description | Type | Default | Example |
gcp_project_id | Google Cloud project id | string | None | my_gcp_project |
topic_id | PubSub topic ID | string | None | fluentbit_logs |
credentials_file | Path to service account credentials file. | string | None | /etc/fluent-bit/gcloud.json |
timestamp_field | Log record field to populate/update with the fluent-bit timestamp | string | None | fb_ts |
attribute_fields | Comma seperated list of fields to use as PubSub message attributes. These are useful since subscribers can filter messages by attributes, but not body content. | comma seperated strings | None | loghost,tag,app |
keep_attribute_fields | If set to true, record fields used as attributes are also left in the log record. Otherwise, they are removed. | boolean | false | true |
publish_timeout | Timeout to use on the PubSub publisher client. | Duration | 60s | 2m |
Indicates required field
If a credentials file isn't provided, the library attempts to use Application Default Credentials
These correspond to PublishSettings.
Option Name | Description | Type | Default |
publish_delay_threshold | Publish a non-empty batch after this many seconds has passed | Duration | 1s |
publish_byte_threshold | Publish a batch once it reaches this size in bytes. | int | 1,000,000 |
publish_count_threshold | Publish a batch once it has this many messages. | int | 100 |
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o .
- Install MSYS2 or another distribution such as Cygwin with mingw-gcc
- Install appropriate gcc package (32bit or 64bit depending on what fluent-bit package you have installed)
- Add MSYS2 bin directory with the appropriate compiler to your path (e.g. C:\MSYS2\mingw64\bin)
- go build -buildmode=c-shared -o flb_pubsub.dll .