This is an NES emulator library written in D. It started as a port to D from Go of It's pure D & has no dependencies.
Just add "nes": "~>0.2.0" or "nes" version="~>0.2.0" to the dependencies section of your dub.json or dub.sdl file.
See for an example usage.
The following mappers have been implemented:
- NROM (0)
- MMC1 (1)
- UNROM (2)
- CNROM (3)
- MMC3 (4)
- AOROM (7)
- 255
Name | Results |
branch_timing_tests | 3/3 Pass1.Branch_Basics ✔️2.Backward_Branch ✔️ 3.Forward_Branch ✔️ |
cpu_interrupts_v2 | 6/6 Passcpu_interrupts ✔️1-cli_latency ✔️ 2-nmi_and_brk ✔️ 3-nmi_and_irq ✔️ 4-irq_and_dma ✔️ 5-branch_delays_irq ✔️ |
cpu_timing_test6 | Pass |
instr_test-v5 | 18/18 Passall_instrs ✔️official_only ✔️ 01-basics ✔️ 02-implied ✔️ 03-immediate ✔️ 04-zero_page ✔️ 05-zp_xy ✔️ 06-absolute ✔️ 07-abs_xy ✔️ 08-ind_x ✔️ 09-ind_y ✔️ 10-branches ✔️ 11-stack ✔️ 12-jmp_jsr ✔️ 13-rts ✔️ 14-rti ✔️ 15-brk ✔️ 16-special ✔️ |
instr_timing | 3/3 Passinstr_timing ✔️1-instr_timing ✔️ 2-branch_timing ✔️ |
nestest | Pass |
Name | Results |
blargg_ppu_tests_2005.09.15b | 5/5 Passpalette_ram ✔️power_up_palette ✔️ sprite_ram ✔️ vbl_clear_time ✔️ vram_access ✔️ |
nmi_sync | 0/2 Passdemo_ntsc ❌demo_pal ❌ |
ppu_sprite_hit | 11/11 Passppu_sprite_hit ✔️01-basics ✔️ 02-alignment ✔️ 03-corners ✔️ 04-flip ✔️ 05-left_clip ✔️ 06-right_edge ✔️ 07-screen_bottom ✔️ 08-double_height ✔️ 09-timing ✔️ 10-timing_order ✔️ |
ppu_vbl_nmi | 11/11 Passppu_vbl_nmi ✔️01-vbl_basics ✔️ 02-vbl_set_time ✔️ 03-vbl_clear_time ✔️ 04-nmi_control ✔️ 05-nmi_timing ✔️ 06-suppression ✔️ 07-nmi_on_timing ✔️ 08-nmi_off_timing ✔️ 09-even_odd_frames ✔️ 10-even_odd_timing ✔️ |
scanline | Pass |
Name | Results | Notes |
apu_mixer | 4/4 Passdmc ✔️noise ✔️ square ✔️ triangle ✔️ |
apu_phase_reset | Pass | |
apu_reset | 6/6 Pass4015_cleared ✔️4017_timing ✔️ 4017_written ✔️ irq_flag_cleared ✔️ len_ctrs_enabled ✔️ works_immediately ✔️ |
apu_test | 9/9 Passapu_test ✔️1-len_ctr ✔️ 2-len_table ✔️ 3-irq_flag ✔️ 4-jitter ✔️ 5-len_timing ✔️ 6-irq_flag_timing ✔️ 7-dmc_basics ✔️ 8-dmc_rates ✔️ |
blargg_apu_2005.07.30 | 11/11 Pass01.len_ctr ✔️02.len_table ✔️ 03.irq_flag ✔️ 04.clock_jitter ✔️ 05.len_timing_mode0 ✔️ 06.len_timing_mode1 ✔️ 07.irq_flag_timing ✔️ 08.irq_timing ✔️ 09.reset_timing ✔️ 10.len_halt_timing ✔️ 11.len_reload_timing ✔️ |
dmc_tests | 4/4 Passbuffer_retained ✔️latency ✔️ status ✔️ status_irq ✔️ |
dpcmletterbox | Pass | HSYNC timing issues create flicker when scrolling |
fadeout_and_triangle_test | Pass | |
square_timer_div2 | Pass | |
test_apu_2 | 10/10 Passtest_1 ✔️test_2 ✔️ test_3 ✔️ test_4 ✔️ test_5 ✔️ test_6 ✔️ test_7 ✔️ test_8 ✔️ test_9 ✔️ test_10 ✔️ |
test_apu_env | Pass | |
test_apu_m | 3/3 Passtest_9 ✔️test_10 ✔️ test_11 ✔️ |
test_apu_sweep | 2/2 Passsweep_cutoff ✔️sweep_sub ✔️ |
test_apu_timers | 4/4 Passdmc_pitch ✔️noise_pitch ✔️ square_pitch ✔️ triangle_pitch ✔️ |
test_tri_lin_ctr | Pass | |
volume_tests | Pass |
- there are some minor issues with PPU timing, but most games work OK anyway
- the APU emulation isn't quite perfect, but not far off
- only NTSC timing supported for now