What's working so far :
- LQPackStat :
- Windows tools that gather pack stats and present them in a nice windows
- Also gather score cards and send them to a XML file and/or web service
- To be installed on LQX, need .Net Framework 4.6.1
- Just copy the release files on a directory, no registry edition needed
- TODO : add an interface to manipulate option (for now you need to edit the .config file)
- TODO : add an option to select when to send scorecard to the webservice
- LQModelLight :
- DLL that is used by all other projects (define the format of the data stored locally)
What should be working :
- SaisieFicheScore : Program that allows someone to create and /or modify scorecards, store them and gather some stats on them. Should be able to read the XML file from LQPackStat
- GetScoresFromFiles : Read previously saved scorecard files from the LQX and put them in a XML file. shouldn't be used now
What I'm working on :
- Web API that store scorecards sent by LQPackStat on a SQL database.
- Will include a web interface to search/watch the score cards
- Will allow for tournament management
- LQModel DLL used by the web api to define the format of data.
Use the code as you see fit, I'm just asking that you credit me.