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🦸‍♂️ Homelander

Simple command supervision powered by OTP supervisors and the Erlang runtime.
Run homelander my.conf, or just homelander to use ~/.homelanderrc

# simple command, long-running
spotifyd --no-daemon

# recurring command: alert if battery level low, checks every 5 minutes
[ $(pmset -g batt | grep -Eo "\d+%" | cut -d% -f1) -le 10 ] && say 'Battery low' ; sleep 300

# complex command using attributes
  command say "hello $name." && sleep 150
  env name=dave
  cd /bin


  • Self-contained standalone executable
  • Dead simple configuration
  • Runs commands in a shell environment, allowing easy log redirection, or recurring tasks using sleep
  • Robustness provided by supervisor trees from Erlang/OTP
  • Can match patterns in command output and trigger a restart (e.g. error message, etc.) using the restart_on attribute
  • Reloads config file when modified and makes the necessary changes on the fly if watchman is installed and config directory is watched
  • Uses exponential backoff when supervised command keeps failing


Standalone executables for Linux and macOS 64-bit are available in the Releases section, generated using makeself.

Or you can build it yourself

# to get a portable binary with no dependency on Erlang (any UNIX-compatible system)
./ path/to/bin/directory

# or to get an escript that requires Erlang to run (any system with Erlang installed)
./ path/to/bin/directory

# then...
path/to/bin/directory/homelander my.conf

Command attributes

For complex commands, these attributes can be specified

name type description
command string representing a valid shell command Command to run in /bin/sh
cd string representing a valid directory Directory to use as the current directory when running the command
cooldown integer in milliseconds Cooldown in milliseconds between two restarts. 0 will restart the command right away. By default, Homelander uses exponential backoff
env string like key=my value:) Sets one environment variable. Can be repeated multiple times
restart_on regexp (PCRE described here) Pattern to match against the command's stdout. Homelander will kill and restart the command on match


mix test
mix && ./homelander config.sample