Web3 Dapp Project
Link to Smart Contract used in project
Link to website: https://blaz-k.github.io/todo-list/
- First you need to connect your wallet
- You have to be connected to
Mumbai Testnet
- When you add task, it will ask you to
transaction (otherwise it won't work) - When you finnish task, you press button
Mark done
, or if you change your mind,Mark Undone
First you connect your wallet
Then you can start using app
- add this line to vite.config.ts:
base: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "/todo-list/" : "/",
- add alias to home route like this:
alias: '/todo-list'
- make sure you have:
- on github go to Settings / Pages and select gh-pages branch
npm install
npm run dev
- Vue 3 as the foundation
- Bootstrap for styling
- Vite for faster builds
- ethers.js for interacting with Ethereum
- vue-dapp for the wallet connect
In tsconfig.json
the strict
field is set to false, which means you can use plain JS in
the project.