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Plutus Pioneer Program | 3P C3

Week #1

Enter a nix-shell. Build the English Auction contract with cabal build (you may need to run cabal update first). Go to the plutus-playground-client folder in the plutus-apps repository. Start the Playground server with plutus-playground-server. Start the Playground client (in another nix-shell) with npm start. Copy-paste the auction contract into the Playground editor, do not forget to remove the module header. Compile.

Week #2

a. Fix and complete the code in the Homework1 module.

b. Fix and complete the code in the Homework2 module.

Week #3

Week #4

Playground mocks

cabal repl

-- to determine wallet info

import Wallet.Emulator

mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash $ knownWallet 1 -- a2c20c77887ace1cd986193e4e75babd8993cfd56995cd5cfce609c2

mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash $ knownWallet 2 -- 80a4f45b56b88d1139da23bc4c3c75ec6d32943c087f250b86193ca7

mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash $ knownWallet 3 -- 2e0ad60c3207248cecd47dbde3d752e0aad141d6b8f81ac2c6eca27c

-- to determine POSIX time of slots in the playground

import Ledger.Time import Ledger.TimeSlot import Data.Default

slotToBeginPOSIXTime def 10 -- 1596059101000 slotToBeginPOSIXTime def 20 -- 1596059111000

Some Plutus Modules

  • Ledger.Scripts, contains functions related to untyped Plutus scripts.
  • Ledger.Typed.Scripts, contains functions related to typed Plutus scripts.
  • Plutus.V1.Ledger.Interval, contains the definition of intervals and functions for working with them.
  • Plutus.V1.Ledger.Time, contains time-related types and functions.
  • PlutusTx, contains important types like Data and BuiltinData.
  • PlutusTx.IsData.Class, contains the ToData and FromData classes and related functions.
  • Wallet.Emulator, contains types and functions for dealing with wallets.

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