Javascript library for the Devery protocol.
You can check the full documentation with examples here ==> Devery.js documentation.
the instalation process is quite simple you just need to install it from NPM or YARN.
- Installing devery.
npm install --save @devery/devery
That's it now you can start using it inside your app.
you can use require or import like syntax access devery classes
- require like syntax.
const devery = require('devery'); const DeveryRegistry = devery.DeveryRegistry; let deveryRegistryClient = new DeveryRegistry();
or alternatively you can use this.
- ES6 import sytax
import {DeveryRegistry} from 'devery'; let deveryRegistryClient = new DeveryRegistry();
Checking if a product has been marked.
//first you need to get a {@link DeveryRegistry} instance let deveryRegistryClient = new DeveryRegistry(); //passing true as param will add the account as marker deveryRegistryClient.check("0x627306090abaB3A6e1400e9345bC60c78a8BEf57").then(item => { console.log('product brand',item.brandAccount); //other stuff }) //or with the async syntax async function(){ //passing false as param will remove the account as marker let item = await deveryRegistryClient.check("0x627306090abaB3A6e1400e9345bC60c78a8BEf57") console.log('product brand',item.brandAccount); }
Devery.js will try to automatically get the web3 object instance present in your context(page, app,etc). If this is not possible then it will fallback to a read only provider poiting to the main network. As the fallback does not contain a signer you will not be able to perform read operations.