An open-source web fansite to help Genshin Impact players manage their resources and plan their character progression (:construction: upcoming: and weapon progression :wrench:). This is meant as an alternative to HoYoLAB's Enhancement Progression Calculator and other similar tools.
🟢 Online (Github Pages): [version 1.0.9]
🚧 Upcoming: roadmap 🔧
This is an open source project, feel free to submit suggestions and bug reports at the Issues page, or make a Pull Request (PR) if you feel like helping with coding. Also, feel free to fork, clone or copy parts of the project to use on your own projects.
Before starting, make sure you have Git, Node and Yarn installed.
Clone the project using Git, install its dependencies through Yarn and run the project:
git clone
# wait for git to finish clonning the project, then navigate to the folder and install the dependencies:
cd genshin-pack
cd web
# Finally, run the app:
yarn start
The app will be served locally at http://localhost:3000/genshin-pack.
BlowITA |
This project was something I developed in order to learn Facebook's Recoil library and to practice CSS and styled-components. This helped me identify multiple points that I can improve in future projects (specially in state management and componentization).