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Front Office SDK, a suite of client connectors for a number of global exchanges


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SDK for building exchange connectivity applications in C/C++/Python/Java/C#



The Front Office SDK (FOSDK) is a collection of order entry connectors and software modules designed to facilitate communication with a number of European cash equity venues. It provides an abstracted interface via the gwcConnector class to provide generic interfaces for sending orders/cancels or modifies.

The core is written in C++ with C#/Java and Python support provided through SWIG bindings.

Getting Started

$ git submodule update --init
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DTESTS=ON ../
$ make
$ make install

Language bindings can be enabled by passing -DJAVA=on, -DPYTHON=on to cmake. It is possible to build all bindings in the same language.

The examples can be built by passing –DEXAMPLES=on


The only external dependency is SWIG, and is only required when building the Java, C# or Python bindings. For information on installing SWIG please visit the SWIG website. All other dependencies are managed through git submodules.

Example usage

Examples can be found in the example directory and will present examples of using both the CDR and raw interfaces as appropriate.


The connector is responsible for all session management within the venue, such as logon, logoff, heartbeating, sequence number management, and gap recovery.

To send messages a CDR is passed to the API and encoded using the appropriate codec. (see for more information on the Common Data Representation)

Sequence number management is maintained via the sbfCache file mechanism, which provides file persistence if a process is restarted.

When the connector is started a dispatch thread to notifies the user of new exchange messages or events. Two callback delegate classes are used to interface with the client gwcSessionCallbacks for session callbacks such as logon/error callbacks and gwcMessageCallbacks for each type of message the exchange sends back. For session level messages an onAdmin callback is is called. Application level messages will trigger an appropriate callback, if the connector can’t determine a specific message callback to use then the generic onMsg callback will be invoked. Typically messages passed to onMsg will not be related to the order life cycle.

The connectors are thread safe, orders/cancels/modifies can be sent form any thread including the dispatch thread.

Supported Venues

  • Millennium
    • Johannesburg
    • Borsa Italiana
    • LSE
    • Turqoise
    • Olso
  • Deutsche Borse Xetra
  • SIX group SWXOTI
  • Euronext Optiq
  • FIX


Each connector needs some configuration, such as host IP address, this config is passed into the connector using the properties class. The following table summarizes the required config for each class of connector

GWC name Property Valid values Description
millennium venue lse/oslo/turquoise/borsa/jse Name of the millennium venue
seqno_cache file name File where sequence numbers are stored
real_time_host ip:port Real time connection string
recovery_host ip:port Message recovery connection string
enable_raw_messages True/False Get raw binary messages in callbacks
optiq host ip:port Connection string
partition Number Matching Engine partition
accessId Token Exchange client access ID
seqno_cache file name File where sequence numbers are stored
enable_raw_messages True/False Get raw binary messages in callbacks
swx host ip:port Connection string
seqno_cache file name File where sequence numbers are stored
enable_raw_messages True/False Get raw binary messages in callbacks
eti venue xetra/eurex Name of the eti venue
host ip:port Connection string
applMsgId_cache name File where appl msg Ids are stored
enable_raw_messages True/False Get raw binary messages in callbacks


Common Types

The file gwcCommon.h defines the generic order types/sides/time in force (gwcOrderType/gwcSide/gwcTif) that can be used via the API gwcOrder interface. Within the connector it will map these generic fields to the correct exchange representation. If you do not wish to use this then the actual exchange representation can be set explicitly in the CDR object.


typedef enum
    GWC_SIDE_BUY = '1',
    GWC_SIDE_SELL = '2',
    GWC_SIDE_CROSS = '8',
    GWC_SIDE_LEND = 'F',
} gwcSide;


typedef enum
} gwcOrderType;


typedef enum
    GWC_TIF_DAY = '0',
    GWC_TIF_GTC = '1',
    GWC_TIF_OPG = '2',
    GWC_TIF_IOC = '3',
    GWC_TIF_FOK = '4',
    GWC_TIF_GTX = '5',
    GWC_TIF_GTD = '6',
    GWC_TIF_ATC = '7',
    GWC_TIF_GTT = '8',
    GWC_TIF_CPX = '9',
    GWC_TIF_GFA = 'A',
    GWC_TIF_GFX = 'B',
    GWC_TIF_GFS = 'C',
} gwcTif;

API walkthrough

The following outlines the high level steps required when using a venue from the FOSDK, please refer to

First define your own delegates inherited from gwcSessionCallbacks and gwcMessageCallbacks these will define what your application wants to do on session events and exchange messages. Note that these classes are pure virtual so an implementation is needed for each pure virtual method, even if no action is performed in the methods.

#include "gwcConnector.h"
#include "fields.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace neueda;

/* Session callbacks inherit from gwcSessionCallbacks */
class sessionCallbacks : public gwcSessionCallbacks
    virtual void onConnected ()
        mLog->info ("session logged on...");

    virtual void onLoggingOn (cdr& msg)

/* Message callbacks inherit from gwcMessageCallbacks */
class messageCallbacks : public gwcMessageCallbacks
    virtual void onAdmin (uint64_t seqno, const cdr& msg)
        mLog->info ("onAdmin msg...");
        mLog->info ("%s", msg.toString ().c_str ());

    virtual void onOrderAck (uint64_t seqno, const cdr& msg)

In you main application create/config a logger object and create the configuration required, refer to configuration tables above.

    properties p;
    p.setProperty ("lh.console.level", "debug");
    p.setProperty ("lh.console.color", "true");

    std::string errorMessage;
    bool ok = logService::get ().configure (p, errorMessage);
    if (not ok)
        std::string e("failed to configure logger: " + errorMessage);
        errx (1, "%s", e.c_str ());

    properties props (p, "gwc", "millennium", "sim");
    props.setProperty ("venue", "lse");
    props.setProperty ("real_time_host", "");
    props.setProperty ("recovery_host", "");

    logger* log = logService::getLogger ("MILLENIUM_TEST");

Create a connector using factory method gwcConnectorFactory::get(), this will automatically allocate and load the correct shared object.

    gwcConnector* gwc = gwcConnectorFactory::get (log, "millennium", props);

Next call init() on the connector, passing the session and message callback objects and properties. This can fail is the props are incorrect so check return and look at error if applicable.

    if (!gwc->init (&sessionCbs, &messageCbs, props))
        errx (1, "failed to initialise connector...");

Calling start will being the session logic for the exchange, mostly this will start by making a TCP connection and then sending the initial logon request.

    if (!gwc->start (false))
        errx (1, "failed to initialise connector...");

A blocking call waitForLogon () is provided to block the main thread until the connector finishes its logon process and is ready to accept orders to pass to the exchange.

    gwc->waitForLogon ();

Note that during the start process the session callback onLoggingOn will be called, if the connector needs a username or password these can be added to the CDR at this point to be used to complete logon.

     virtual void onLoggingOn (cdr& msg)
        mLog->info ("session logging on...");

        /* set username and password */
        msg.setString (UserName, mUsername);
        msg.setString (Password, mPassword);

Once the session is logged on any send method can be called and events and exchange messages will be dispatched to the user callbacks.

    /* send order */
    gwcOrder order;
    order.setPrice (1234.45);
    order.setQty (1000);
    order.setTif (GWC_TIF_DAY);
    order.setSide (GWC_SIDE_BUY);
    order.setOrderType (GWC_ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT);
    order.setString (ClientOrderID, "myorder");
    order.setInteger (InstrumentID, 133215); // VOD.L
    order.setInteger (AutoCancel, 1);

    order.setString (TraderID, "TX1");
    order.setString (Account, "account");
    order.setInteger (ClearingAccount, 1);
    order.setInteger (FXMiFIDFlags, 0);
    order.setInteger (PartyRoleQualifiers, 0);
    order.setInteger (ExpireDateTime, 0);
    order.setInteger (DisplayQty, 0);
    order.setInteger (Capacity, 1);
    order.setInteger (OrderSubType, 0);
    order.setInteger (Anonymity, 0);
    order.setDouble (StopPrice, 0.0);
    order.setInteger (PassiveOnlyOrder, 0);
    order.setInteger (ClientID, 1234);
    order.setInteger (InvestmentDecisionMaker, 0);
    order.setInteger (MinimumQuantity, 0);
    order.setInteger (ExecutingTrader, 7676);

    if (!gwc->sendOrder (order))
        errx  (1, "failed to send order myorder...");

Finally stop () can be called to disconnect from the session.

    gwc->stop ();


CDR example

Example Xetra connector using CDR interface for sending orders/modifies/cancels xetra-cdr-example.cpp

Raw packets example

Eample Lse connector using Raw packets interface for sending orders/modifies/cancels lse-raw-example.cpp