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This document is a reference for the labels used in the SDK.

⚠️ Note: These labels are still in development and may change over time. Not all are currently in use.


Label Preferences

The possible client interpretations for a label.

  • ignore Do nothing with the label.
  • warn Provide some form of warning on the content (see "On Warn" behavior).
  • hide Remove the content from feeds and apply the warning when directly viewed.

Each label specifies which preferences it can support. If a label is not configurable, it must have only own supported preference.


Non-configurable labels cannot have their preference changed by the user.


Additional behaviors which a label can adopt.

  • no-override The user cannot click through any covering of content created by the label.
  • adult The user must have adult content enabled to configure the label. If adult content is not enabled, the label must adopt the strictest preference.

On Warn

The kind of UI behavior used when a warning must be applied.

  • blur Hide all of the content behind an interstitial.
  • blur-media Hide only the media within the content (ie images) behind an interstitial.
  • alert Display a descriptive warning but do not hide the content.
  • null Do nothing.

Label Behaviors

ID Group Preferences Configurable Flags On Warn
!hide system hide no-override blur
!no-promote system hide null
!warn system warn blur
!no-unauthenticated system hide no-override, unauthed blur
dmca-violation legal hide no-override blur
doxxing legal hide no-override blur
porn sexual ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
sexual sexual ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
nudity sexual ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
nsfl violence ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
corpse violence ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
gore violence ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
torture violence ignore, warn, hide adult blur
self-harm violence ignore, warn, hide adult blur-media
intolerant-race intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur
intolerant-gender intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur
intolerant-sexual-orientation intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur
intolerant-religion intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur
intolerant intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur
icon-intolerant intolerance ignore, warn, hide blur-media
threat rude ignore, warn, hide blur
spoiler curation ignore, warn, hide blur
spam spam ignore, warn, hide blur
account-security misinfo ignore, warn, hide blur
net-abuse misinfo ignore, warn, hide blur
impersonation misinfo ignore, warn, hide alert
scam misinfo ignore, warn, hide alert
misleading misinfo ignore, warn, hide alert

Label Group Descriptions

ID Description
system general
Moderator overrides for special cases.
legal general
Content removed for legal reasons.
sexual general
Adult Content
Content which is sexual in nature.
violence general
Content which is violent or deeply disturbing.
intolerance general
Content or behavior which is hateful or intolerant toward a group of people.
rude general
Behavior which is rude toward other users.
curation general
Subjective moderation geared towards curating a more positive environment.
spam general
Content which doesn't add to the conversation.
misinfo general
Content which misleads or defrauds users.

Label Descriptions

ID Description
!hide general
Moderator Hide
Moderator has chosen to hide the content.

on an account
Content Blocked
This account has been hidden by the moderators.

on content
Content Blocked
This content has been hidden by the moderators.

!no-promote general
Moderator Filter
Moderator has chosen to filter the content from feeds.

on an account

on content

!warn general
Moderator Warn
Moderator has chosen to set a general warning on the content.

on an account
Content Warning
This account has received a general warning from moderators.

on content
Content Warning
This content has received a general warning from moderators.

!no-unauthenticated general
This user has requested that their account only be shown to signed-in users.

on an account
This user has requested that their account only be shown to signed-in users.

on content
This user has requested that their content only be shown to signed-in users.

dmca-violation general
Copyright Violation
The content has received a DMCA takedown request.

on an account
Copyright Violation
This account has received a DMCA takedown request. It will be restored if the concerns can be resolved.

on content
Copyright Violation
This content has received a DMCA takedown request. It will be restored if the concerns can be resolved.

doxxing general
Information that reveals private information about someone which has been shared without the consent of the subject.

on an account
This account has been reported to publish private information about someone without their consent. This report is currently under review.

on content
This content has been reported to include private information about someone without their consent.

porn general
Images of full-frontal nudity (genitalia) in any sexualized context, or explicit sexual activity (meaning contact with genitalia or breasts) even if partially covered. Includes graphic sexual cartoons (often jokes/memes).

on an account
Adult Content
This account contains imagery of full-frontal nudity or explicit sexual activity.

on content
Adult Content
This content contains imagery of full-frontal nudity or explicit sexual activity.

sexual general
Sexually Suggestive
Content that does not meet the level of "pornography", but is still sexual. Some common examples have been selfies and "hornyposting" with underwear on, or partially naked (naked but covered, eg with hands or from side perspective). Sheer/see-through nipples may end up in this category.

on an account
Suggestive Content
This account contains imagery which is sexually suggestive. Common examples include selfies in underwear or in partial undress.

on content
Suggestive Content
This content contains imagery which is sexually suggestive. Common examples include selfies in underwear or in partial undress.

nudity general
Nudity which is not sexual, or that is primarily "artistic" in nature. For example: breastfeeding; classic art paintings and sculptures; newspaper images with some nudity; fashion modeling. "Erotic photography" is likely to end up in sexual or porn.

on an account
Adult Content
This account contains imagery which portrays nudity in a non-sexual or artistic setting.

on content
Adult Content
This content contains imagery which portrays nudity in a non-sexual or artistic setting.

nsfl general
"Not Suitable For Life." This includes graphic images like the infamous "goatse" (don't look it up).

on an account
Graphic Imagery (NSFL)
This account contains graphic images which are often referred to as "Not Suitable For Life."

on content
Graphic Imagery (NSFL)
This content contains graphic images which are often referred to as "Not Suitable For Life."

corpse general
Visual image of a dead human body in any context. Includes war images, hanging, funeral caskets. Does not include all figurative cases (cartoons), but can include realistic figurative images or renderings.

on an account
Graphic Imagery (Corpse)
This account contains images of a dead human body in any context. Includes war images, hanging, funeral caskets.

on content
Graphic Imagery (Corpse)
This content contains images of a dead human body in any context. Includes war images, hanging, funeral caskets.

gore general
Intended for shocking images, typically involving blood or visible wounds.

on an account
Graphic Imagery (Gore)
This account contains shocking images involving blood or visible wounds.

on content
Graphic Imagery (Gore)
This content contains shocking images involving blood or visible wounds.

torture general
Depictions of torture of a human or animal (animal cruelty).

on an account
Graphic Imagery (Torture)
This account contains depictions of torture of a human or animal.

on content
Graphic Imagery (Torture)
This content contains depictions of torture of a human or animal.

self-harm general
A visual depiction (photo or figurative) of cutting, suicide, or similar.

on an account
Graphic Imagery (Self-Harm)
This account includes depictions of cutting, suicide, or other forms of self-harm.

on content
Graphic Imagery (Self-Harm)
This content includes depictions of cutting, suicide, or other forms of self-harm.

intolerant-race general
Racial Intolerance
Hateful or intolerant content related to race.

on an account
Intolerance (Racial)
This account includes hateful or intolerant content related to race.

on content
Intolerance (Racial)
This content includes hateful or intolerant views related to race.

intolerant-gender general
Gender Intolerance
Hateful or intolerant content related to gender or gender identity.

on an account
Intolerance (Gender)
This account includes hateful or intolerant content related to gender or gender identity.

on content
Intolerance (Gender)
This content includes hateful or intolerant views related to gender or gender identity.

intolerant-sexual-orientation general
Sexual Orientation Intolerance
Hateful or intolerant content related to sexual preferences.

on an account
Intolerance (Orientation)
This account includes hateful or intolerant content related to sexual preferences.

on content
Intolerance (Orientation)
This content includes hateful or intolerant views related to sexual preferences.

intolerant-religion general
Religious Intolerance
Hateful or intolerant content related to religious views or practices.

on an account
Intolerance (Religious)
This account includes hateful or intolerant content related to religious views or practices.

on content
Intolerance (Religious)
This content includes hateful or intolerant views related to religious views or practices.

intolerant general
A catchall for hateful or intolerant content which is not covered elsewhere.

on an account
This account includes hateful or intolerant content.

on content
This content includes hateful or intolerant views.

icon-intolerant general
Intolerant Iconography
Visual imagery associated with a hate group, such as the KKK or Nazi, in any context (supportive, critical, documentary, etc).

on an account
Intolerant Iconography
This account includes imagery associated with a hate group such as the KKK or Nazis. This warning may apply to content any context, including critical or documentary purposes.

on content
Intolerant Iconography
This content includes imagery associated with a hate group such as the KKK or Nazis. This warning may apply to content any context, including critical or documentary purposes.

threat general
Statements or imagery published with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or harm.

on an account
The moderators believe this account has published statements or imagery with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or harm others.

on content
The moderators believe this content was published with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or harm others.

spoiler general
Discussion about film, TV, etc which gives away plot points.

on an account
Spoiler Warning
This account contains discussion about film, TV, etc which gives away plot points.

on content
Spoiler Warning
This content contains discussion about film, TV, etc which gives away plot points.

spam general
Repeat, low-quality messages which are clearly not designed to add to a conversation or space.

on an account
This account publishes repeat, low-quality messages which are clearly not designed to add to a conversation or space.

on content
This content is a part of repeat, low-quality messages which are clearly not designed to add to a conversation or space.

account-security general
Security Concerns
Content designed to hijack user accounts such as a phishing attack.

on an account
Security Warning
This account has published content designed to hijack user accounts such as a phishing attack.

on content
Security Warning
This content is designed to hijack user accounts such as a phishing attack.

net-abuse general
Network Attacks
Content designed to attack network systems such as denial-of-service attacks.

on an account
Network Attack Warning
This account has published content designed to attack network systems such as denial-of-service attacks.

on content
Network Attack Warning
This content is designed to attack network systems such as denial-of-service attacks.

impersonation general
Accounts which falsely assert some identity.

on an account
Impersonation Warning
The moderators believe this account is lying about their identity.

on content
Impersonation Warning
The moderators believe this account is lying about their identity.

scam general
Fraudulent content.

on an account
Scam Warning
The moderators believe this account publishes fraudulent content.

on content
Scam Warning
The moderators believe this is fraudulent content.

misleading general
Accounts which share misleading information.

on an account
The moderators believe this account is spreading misleading information.

on content
The moderators believe this account is spreading misleading information.