Tim is a (not yet) multifunction command line timer with the following features:
- stopwatch
go install github.com/bmedicke/tim@latest
stopwatch mode-c
countdown mode-t
timer mode (counts up)-q
quite flag, surpresses output-x
timer/countdown mode exits with 0 when pressing q
# using the return value:
tim -s && echo yes || echo no
# q returns 0.
# ctrl-c returns 127.
tim -c 10s
tim -c 10h5s # not all values need to be specified.
tim -c 1m1s # order does not matter.
# using the return value:
tim -c 10s && echo timer ran out || echo timer stopped early
# q returns 1 because the countdown was stopped early.
# ctrl-c returns 127.
# making q return 0:
tim -c 10s -x ; echo $?
# ctrl-c still returns 127.
# use the pre-commit hook:
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks