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Ansible Role: Mule

Installs Mule Community Edition on Linux servers.


Java must be available on the server. You can easily install Java using the great Geerlingguy role role. However, you can also use other roles, of course.

Ensure that the installed Java version meets Mule's requirements.


This is an Ansible role distributed using Ansible Galaxy. In order to install this role you can use the following command.

$ ansible-galaxy install bmeme.mule


If you want to update the role, you need to pass --force parameter when installing. Please, check the following command:

$ ansible-galaxy install --force bmeme.mule

Role Variables

Basic variables are:

Variable Name Description Default
mule_version The version of Mule you want to install. Get a look here 4.5.0
mule_group The system group to create running Mule mule
mule_user The system user to create running Mule mule
mule_home Directory that hosts Mule /opt/mule
mule_remove_package Remove "tar.gz" Mule package when been installed true
mule_restart_handler_enabled Restart/Start Mule after installation true

Mule Configuration Properties

In previous versions of this role (1.x.x), it allows a complete Mule configuration injecting template files. Unfortunately, this approach caused some cross-compatibility problems supporting different software releases and for this reason we removed this feature.

Now this role allows to configure only basic java properties and logging properties into the wrapper.conf file

Variable Name Description Default
mule_wrapper_java_command Java Application absolute path java
mule_wrapper_java_initmemory Initial Java Heap Size (in MB) 1024
mule_wrapper_java_maxmemory Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB) 2048
mule_wrapper_startup_timeout Default startup timeout 600
mule_wrapper_console_format Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats) M
mule_wrapper_console_loglevel Log Level for console output. (See docs for log levels) INFO
mule_wrapper_logfile Log file to use for wrapper output logging. %MULE_BASE%/logs/%MULE_APP%.log
mule_wrapper_logfile_format Format of output for the log file. (See docs for formats) M
mule_wrapper_logfile_loglevel Log Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels) INFO
mule_wrapper_logfile_maxsize Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before the log is rolled 1m
mule_wrapper_logfile_maxfiles Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old files are deleted. 10
mule_wrapper_syslog_loglevel Log Level for sys/event log output. (See docs for log levels) NONE

To best configure your Mule take a look at the official documentation here and customize your instance at your needs directly into your playbook.



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: muleserver
    - vars/main.yml
    - # for example
    - bmeme.mule



Author Information

This role was created by Bmeme. It is actually maintained by Daniele Piaggesi and Roberto Mariani.


Building this role we are influenced by other roles we usually use/used and their approaches. Thanks to the great works of: