GDAX API client for Elixir.
List the Hex package in your application dependencies.
def deps do
[{:ex_gdax, "~> 0.2"}]
Run mix deps.get
to install.
Add the following configuration variables in your config/config.exs file:
use Mix.Config
config :ex_gdax, api_key: {:system, "GDAX_API_KEY"},
api_secret: {:system, "GDAX_API_SECRET"},
api_passphrase: {:system, "GDAX_API_PASSPHRASE"},
api_url: {:system. "GDAX_API_URL"} # optional
Alternatively to hard coding credentials, the recommended approach is to use environment variables as follows:
use Mix.Config
config :ex_gdax, api_key: System.get_env("GDAX_API_KEY"),
api_secret: System.get_env("GDAX_API_SECRET"),
api_passphrase: System.get_env("GDAX_API_PASSPHRASE")
Alternatively, if you need to work with multiple GDAX accounts, the private API
call functions accept an additional config
struct) parameter:
config = %ExGdax.Config{
api_key: "API_KEY",
api_secret: "API_SECRET",
api_passphrase: "API_PASSPHRASE",
api_url: "API_URL" # optional
ExGdax.list_accounts() # use config as specified in config.exs
ExGdax.list_accounts(config) # use the passed config struct param
Place a limit order
iex> ExGdax.create_order(%{type: "limit", side: "buy", product_id: "ETH-USD", price: "200", size: "1.0"})
%{"created_at" => "2017-08-20T23:29:17.752637Z",
"executed_value" => "0.0000000000000000",
"fill_fees" => "0.0000000000000000", "filled_size" => "0.00000000",
"id" => "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "post_only" => false,
"price" => "200.00000000", "product_id" => "ETH-USD",
"settled" => false, "side" => "buy", "size" => "1.00000000",
"status" => "pending", "stp" => "dc", "time_in_force" => "GTC",
"type" => "limit"}}
Withdraw to crypto address
iex> ExGdax.withdraw_to_crypto(%{currency: "ETH", amount: "0.1", crypto_address: "0x30a9f8b57e2dcb519a4e4982ed6379f9dd6a0bfc"})
%{"amount" => "0.10000000", "currency" => "ETH",
May the charts be ever in your favor 📈😊
- Websocket client