IoTit (written in Golang) is an open source command-line utility for flashing (initializing) IoT devices.
contains a VirtualBox wrapper go-virtualbox, so it can run on OS that allows installation of VirtualBox.
- BeagleBone
- Intel Edison
- NanoPi NEO
- Raspberry Pi
- Toradex Colibri iMX6
- ASUS Tinker Board
- ESP-32
- ESP-8266
golang >= 1.8
virtualbox >= 5.0
The easiest way is to go to Isaax - binary distribution page and download a precompiled binary that matches your OS.
On macOS you can install IoTit
from homebrew:
brew tap xshellinc/iotit && brew install iotit
Note: iotit
requires VM VirtualBox and Extension Pack to be installed on your machine.
NOTE Windows build is still experimental and you may experience problems flashing on windows 7
At this point we officaily do not support 32 bit windows (all versions)
You will need to install git-for-windows
Upon installing, you will need to add both git and Unix tools to the system PATH example screenshot
Windows PowerShell or CMD should be run as Administrator
for iotit
to be able to write on external drives.
When flashing Intel® Edison
make sure to provide external power supply.
Flashing Intel® Edison
under Windows will render it's usb-ethernet adapter unusable under macOS and vice versa source.
- Espressif ESP8266 Lolin/NodeMCU CH340 [for macOS 10.12 take it here]
- Espressif ESP32 CP210x
If you want to build binaries yourself, then follow the regular recommendations for go build
Note: Install all requirements before trying to build it on your local workstation:
go get ./...
Note: Although it is not required we recommend to install ssh-copy-id
for flashing edison.
To build and run with debug log use:
./ && ./iotit
To see available commands launch iotit help
iotit - Flashing Tool for IoT devices used by Isaax Cloud
iotit [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
flash, f Flash image to the device
install, i Install to global app environment
uninstall, rm Uninstall iotit
update, u Self-update
log, l Show log file location
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
For example here are the flash command flags:
$ iotit flash --help
iotit flash - Flash image to the device
iotit flash [command options] [device image]
--quiet, --unattended, -q Suppress questions and assume default answers
--disk value, -d value External disk or usb device
--port value, -p value Serial port for connected device. If set to 'auto' first port will be used.
During installation user can choose default
virtualbox specs
Alternatively user can create their own vbox spec by choosing Create new virtual machine
This will create a spec file with a name of virtualbox and specs such as memory, cpu, vram etc,
which is applied to iotit-box
To delete a custom virtual box preset, go to the iotit folder on your machine on macOS it is at/Users/{user}/.iotit
. Open the file iotit-vbox.json in a text editor and delete the entry of the preset you want to remove. Entries are in the following form:
"name": "test_vbox",
"uuid": "c1fd7bca-4532-4796-b862-7c16be2d07f4",
"template": "iotit-box",
"device": "raspberry-pi",
"description": "it is a test vbox",
"option": {
"cpu": 1,
"memory": 512,
"usb": {
"vc": false,
"type": {
"2.0": false,
"3.0": false
"SSH": {
"SSH": {
"User": "root",
"Server": "localhost",
"Key": "",
"Port": "2222",
"Password": ""
"Sudo": false,
"SudoPass": ""
- a directory containing iotit related files
- a file containing different device types and urls of images to be downloaded
- a packed virtual box image
- packed images grouped by device names
uses x64 virtualbox in order to flash and configure devices,
because it allows to work with linux partitions and reduces installation requirements
across different OSes
Currently 4 workflows are supported:
- copy installation files into virtualbox
- run - to reflash edison
- run edison_configure - to configure
- copy installation files into virtualbox
- mount the image partition into loop via
- write configuration files into the image
- write image into sd-card via
on macos
- upload firmware and bootloader binaries over serial connection
- configure module parameters using serial connection
- copy installation files into virtualbox
- run and create img files
- copy image files to SD card
- connect to colibri module via serial
- run update to flash linux to internal eMMC
VirtualBox uses alpine virtualbox image with additional software installed
and for Toradex:
Edison device is additionally mapped to the usb ports
Intel Edison [0310]
Intel USB download gadget [9999]
Provide image url or path to flash it on SD card.
If you do not specify any images for sub categeory it will choose whatever you have specified in the global image section. If you have more than one image in any image section you will be presented with a list when flashing.
DeviceMapping struct {
Name string
Alias string
Sub []DeviceMapping
[]Images struct {
Url url
Title string
has a tree like structure -
devices are listed using Name
field, then devices are listed within Sub
array and etc.
If a Sub
device doesn't have any image, then parent's images are used instead.