!! Deprecated in favor of ViewportCanvas due to hitting Roblox UIGradient cap. If you are doing animations, however, it is still recommended to use GradientCanvas since Roblox takes too long to render ViewportCanvas and can't do animated images.
A canvas renderer using greedy gradients to draw efficiently in Roblox
GradientCanvas.new(ResolutionX: number, ResolutionY: number)
returns a new canvas of the specified resolution
GradientCanvas:SetParent(Parent: Instance)
parents the canvas GUI to the passed Instance
GradientCanvas:SetPixel(X: number, Y: number, Color: Color3)
Sets the color of the canvas specified pixel
renders the canvas based on the set pixels
(It will not automatically render, you must call this method when you've completed your pixel updates)
clears the canvas render
cleans up the canvas and its GUIs
-- Frames
local Demo = script.Parent.Demo
local Ref = script.Parent.Ref
-- Resolution
local ResX, ResY = 16*6, 9*6
-- Create Canvas
local Canvas = require(script.GradientCanvas).new(ResX, ResY)
-- Draw pixels
for x=1, ResX do
for y=1, ResY do
-- Define color
local v = math.sin(x/ResX) * math.cos(y/ResY)
local c = Color3.fromHSV(v, 0.9, 0.9)
-- Set in canvas
Canvas:SetPixel(x, y, c)
-- Draw naively for reference
local pixel = Instance.new("Frame")
pixel.BorderSizePixel = 0
pixel.BackgroundColor3 = c
pixel.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1/ResX, 1/ResY)
pixel.Position = UDim2.fromScale((1/ResX)*(x-1), (1/ResY)*(y-1))
pixel.Parent = Ref.Canvas
-- Render canvas
-- Expose counts
Demo.TextLabel.Text = string.format("Frames Instances: %d", Canvas._ActiveFrames)
Ref.TextLabel.Text = string.format("Frames Instances: %d", ResX*ResY)