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Boba Gateway


The Boba Gateway helps users to bridge cryptos tokens from L1 to L2 and vice versa.

Coverage report

Line Coverage

Branch Coverage

Function Coverage

Function Coverage


Follow these instructions to set up your local development environment.

🚀 Getting started

Clone the repo

$ git clone
$ cd gateway


You'll need the following:

Ensure that you have installed and are using nodejs v16.16.0:

$ node --version

If you have multiple versions of node installed and use nvm, ensure you are using nodejs v16.16.0

$ nvm use

Install nodejs packages with yarn:

$ yarn
$ yarn prepare # to setup husky on your local.

Environment variable configuration.

Copy .env.example file and name by excluding .example and populate the variables listed below

Environment Vars Required Default Valu Description
REACT_APP_POLL_INTERVAL Yes 20000 Interval to poll the fetch api about the records
REACT_APP_WALLET_VERSION Yes N/A This will be useful while prepare the build.
REACT_APP_ENV Yes dev This will be used in case of sentry configuration.
REACT_APP_GA4_MEASUREMENT_ID Yes N/A Google analytics api key
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN Yes N/A Sentry DSN url to catch the error on frontend
REACT_APP_GAS_POLL_INTERVAL Yes 30000 Poll interval to fetch the gas price status
REACT_APP_WC_PROJECT_ID= Yes N/A Wallet Connect project ID
NETWORK_NAME Yes sepolia Starting network for wallet
REACT_APP_THE_GRAPH_API_KEY Yes N/A API key for graph application to fetch the data from subgraph.

To start local dev-server

$ yarn start

To fix formating

$ yarn format:fix

To fix linting

$ yarn lint:fix

Running Tests

Tests are executed via yarn:

$ yarn test

Run specific tests by giving a path to the file you want to run:

$ yarn test ./path-to-file/file.spec.ts

Watch for test file change with coverage report locally at same time.

$ yarn test:w <path-to-test-file> --coverage --collectCoverageFrom=<path-to-component/class>


$ yarn test:w src/components/layout/Footer/GasWatcher/index.test.tsx --coverage --collectCoverageFrom=src/components/layout/Footer/GasWatcher/index.tsx

Measuring test coverage:

$ yarn test:coverage

The output is most easily viewable by opening the html file in your browser:

$ open ./coverage/index.html

Integration Tests

Follow Integration Docs

Directory Structure

┌── .github/workflows          # Settings for GitHub Actions
├── .vscode                    # VSCode settings for ESLint auto-fix function
├── build                      # Bundled JS and TS declaration file for deployed npm package
├── public                     # Public file which
├── e2e-tests                  # Integration tests.
├── src                        # All source code
│    ├── src/actions           # Redux Actions.
│    ├── src/api               # React axios instance of api
│    ├── src/assets            # React assets includes files and images.
│    ├── src/components        # React components
│    ├── src/containers        # React containers
│    ├── src/deployment        # Contracts ABI
│    ├── src/fonts             # Application fonts
│    ├── src/hooks             # React hooks
│    ├── src/layout            # React Layout
│    ├── src/reducers          # Redux reducers
│    ├── src/selectors         # Redux selectors
│    ├── src/services          # React services
│    ├── src/store             # Redux Store
│    ├── src/themes            # Application theme
│    ├── src/types             # Custom typings for js modules if corresponding types are not found
│    ├── src/util              # Util files
│    └── index.tsx              # Production entry that exports all components
├── .babelrc.json              # babel configuration
├── .env.example               # Sample env file
├── .eslintignore              # Excluded files for ignoring Eslint
├── .eslintrc.js               # ESLint settings
├── .gitignore                 # Excluded files for ignoring Git version control
├── .prettierignore            # Excluded files for ignoring while running Prettier
├── .prettierrc.js             # Prettier settings
├──                  # README
├── yarn.json                  # Package settings that locked the version of dependencies packages
├── package.json               # Package settings that listed dependencies packages, npm scripts, project name etc.
├── config-overrides.js        # settings for react app rewired
└── tsconfig.json              # TypeScript settings

Naming branches

We are following branch names like <type>/<issue>-<change-hint>

# Type can be one of the following
add/ #adding new stuff
feat/ #adding new feature
chore/ #refactoring, removing, cleanup or documentation update
fix/ #fix for breaking changes



Abi to Human readable abi.

Install boba network contracts and core contracts node packages.

yarn add @bobanetwork/core_contracts bobanetwork/contracts
node ./bin/abiCompressor.ts