Go to website directory and start the Django app:
cd ../website
python manage.py runserver
Go to http://localhost:8000/visualize/test
in a browser to use the interactive visualization tool on the test dataset predictions
Go to http://localhost:8000/visualize/validation
in a browser to use the interactive visualization tool on the validation dataset predictions
Template-free prediction of organic reaction outcomes using graph convolutional neural networks
Described in A graph-convolutional neural network model for the prediction of chemical reactivity
- Python (trained/tested using 2.7.6, visualization/deployment compatible with 3.6.1)
- Numpy (trained/tested using 1.12.0, visualization/deployment compatible with 1.14.0)
- Tensorflow (trained/tested using 1.3.0, visualization/deployment compatible with 1.6.0)
- RDKit (trained/tested using 2017.09.1, visualization/deployment compatible with 2017.09.3)
- Django (visualization compatible with 2.0.6)
note: there may be some issues with relative imports when using Python 2 now; this should be easy to resolve by removing the periods preceding package names
into the website
folder and start the Django app using python manage.py runserver
. Go to http://localhost:8000/visualize
in a browser to use the interactive visualization tool
You can use the fully trained model to predict outcomes by following the example at the end of rexgen_direct/rank_diff_wln/directcandranker.py
Look at the two text files in rexgen_direct/core_wln_global/notes.txt
and rexgen_direct/rank_diff_wln/notes.txt
for the exact commands used for training, validation, and testing. You will have to unarchive the data files after cloning this repo.
Copy 1976_Sep2016_USPTOgrants_smiles.rsmi
into rexgen_direct/data
Run data preprocessing script
cd rexgen_direct/data
python prep_data.py
Create cbond_detailed file
cd ../core_wln_global
python nntest_direct.py --test ../data/custom_filtered.rsmi.proc --hidden 300 --depth 3 --model model-300-3-direct --checkpoint ckpt-140000 \
--verbose 1 --detailed 1 > model-300-3-direct/new_data.cbond_detailed
Sample Output:
After seeing 200, acc@12: 0.725, acc@16: 0.745, acc@20: 0.755, acc@40: 0.810, acc@80: 0.850
After seeing 300, acc@12: 0.727, acc@16: 0.743, acc@20: 0.760, acc@40: 0.817, acc@80: 0.860
After seeing 400, acc@12: 0.730, acc@16: 0.750, acc@20: 0.765, acc@40: 0.812, acc@80: 0.855
After seeing 500, acc@12: 0.736, acc@16: 0.752, acc@20: 0.764, acc@40: 0.810, acc@80: 0.846
After seeing 600, acc@12: 0.735, acc@16: 0.752, acc@20: 0.765, acc@40: 0.817, acc@80: 0.853
After seeing 700, acc@12: 0.743, acc@16: 0.759, acc@20: 0.770, acc@40: 0.819, acc@80: 0.851
After seeing 800, acc@12: 0.744, acc@16: 0.760, acc@20: 0.774, acc@40: 0.824, acc@80: 0.855
After seeing 900, acc@12: 0.746, acc@16: 0.761, acc@20: 0.773, acc@40: 0.821, acc@80: 0.852
After seeing 1000, acc@12: 0.744, acc@16: 0.763, acc@20: 0.775, acc@40: 0.826, acc@80: 0.857
After seeing 1100, acc@12: 0.750, acc@16: 0.768, acc@20: 0.782, acc@40: 0.831, acc@80: 0.862
After seeing 1200, acc@12: 0.748, acc@16: 0.766, acc@20: 0.780, acc@40: 0.827, acc@80: 0.858
Get bond predictions - includes reactivity scores in output
cd ../rank_diff_wln
python nntest_direct_useScores.py --test ../data/custom_filtered.rsmi.proc --cand ../core_wln_global/model-300-3-direct/new_data.cbond_detailed --hidden 500 --depth 3 --ncand 1500 --ncore 16 --model model-core16-500-3-max150-direct-useScores --checkpoint ckpt-2400000 --verbose 1 > model-core16-500-3-max150-direct-useScores/new_data.cbond_detailed_2400000
python ../scripts/eval_by_smiles.py --gold ../data/custom_filtered.rsmi.proc --pred model-core16-500-3-max150-direct-useScores/new_data.cbond_detailed_2400000 --bonds_as_doubles true
Go to website directory and start the Django app:
cd ../website
python manage.py runserver
Go to http://localhost:8000/visualize/test
in a browser to use the interactive visualization tool on the test dataset predictions
Go to http://localhost:8000/visualize/validation
in a browser to use the interactive visualization tool on the validation dataset predictions