This nodejs command is meant to be used with collectd exec plugin to monitor your nodes along with some Grafana/influxdb like solution.
Using yarn:
yarn global add storj-collectd-plugin
Using npm:
npm install -g storj-collectd-plugin
Then you need to add the following lines in your collectd config:
# /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
LoadPlugin exec
<Plugin exec>
Exec "youruser" "collectd-storj-exec-plugin"
Finally, add the following lines in /usr/share/collectd/types.db
peers value:GAUGE:0:U
shared value:GAUGE:0:U
restarts value:GAUGE:0:U
contracts value:GAUGE:0:U
delta value:GAUGE:0:U
percentused value:GAUGE:0:100
datareceived value:GAUGE:0:U
resptime value:GAUGE:0:U
reputation value:GAUGE:0:U
timeoutrate value:GAUGE:0:U
lastseen value:GAUGE:0:U
lasttimeout value:GAUGE:0:U