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This is generally where I do test and try codes for better understanding of what it means and how to hearness the compiler potentials

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This is generally where I do test and try codes for better understanding of what it means and how to hearness the Swift compiler potentials.

Associated Types

One of the most twisted topics in Swift is definitely associatedtype . I am currently trying to literally break down this concept to a layman understanding and by so doing I could also understand it myself.

Definition of Associated Types

associatedtype is a protocol generic placeholder for an unknown Concrete Type that requires concretization on adoption at the consumer side.

Problems solved by Associated Types

  • associatedtype was introduced to solve the problem of rich and multi type abstraction which are not available in object-oriented subtyping.
  • Designed to address the known naive generic protocol especially where complexity scales badly with more generic type introduction.

Advantages of Associated Types

  • associatedtype come into play when subtyping alone cannot capture the rich type relationship between types.
  • They help specify the precise and exact type of an object with a protocol subtyping.
  • They provide the relationship that you cannot fit into an object related type hierarchy.

Quick Look Example

  • Assuming you have a protocol as follows:
/// Rows `Interface`
protocol Row {
    /// PAT Placeholder for unknown Concrete Type `Model`
    associatedtype Model
    /// Recieves a parameter of Concrete Type `Model`
    func configure(with model: Model)
/// Concrete Type `Product`
struct Product { }
/// Concrete Type `Item`
struct Item { }
  • You can apply a constrained type-erasure as shown:
/// Wrapper `AnyRow`
struct AnyRow<I>: Row {
    private let configureClosure: (I) -> Void
    /// Initialiser guaratees that `Model`
    /// should be a `Type` of `I`
    init<T: Row>(_ row: T) where T.Model == I {
        /// Matches the row `configure` func
        /// to the private the `configureClosure`
        configureClosure = row.configure
    /// Conforming to `Row` protocol
    func configure(with model: I) {
  • You can apply a unconstrained type-erasure as shown:`
/// Generic Wrapper `AnyCellRow` to match Heterogeneous Types + Dynamic Dispatch
struct AnyCellRow: Row {
    private let configureClosure: (Any) -> Void

    init<T: Row>(_ row: T) {
        configureClosure = { object in
            /// Asserting that `object` received is `type` of `T.Model`
            guard let model = object as? T.Model else { return }
            /// call the `T.configure` function on success
            row.configure(with: model)
    /// Conforming to `Row` protocol
    func configure(with model: Any) {
  • You can apply the shadow pattern as follows:ù
//MARK: - `Shadowed` Protocol Based Type Erasure

/// `shadow` protocol
protocol TableRow {
    /// - Recieves a parameter of Concrete Type `Any`
    func configure(with model: Any)
/// `Row` To be shadowed.
protocol Row: TableRow {
    associatedtype Model
    /// - Recieves a parameter of Concrete Type `Model`
    func configure(with model: Model)
/// `extension` to conform to `TableRow`
extension Row {
    /// TableRow - conformation
    func configure(with model: Any) {
        /// Just throw a fatalError
        /// because we don't need it.


This is generally where I do test and try codes for better understanding of what it means and how to hearness the compiler potentials






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