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R package for multivariate state space models

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Multivariate State Space Models

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This package provides methods to estimate models of the form

y_{it} \sim g(\eta_{it}),\qquad i\in I_t

\eta_{it} = \vec\gamma^\top\vec x_{it} +\vec\beta_t^\top\vec z_{it}

\vec\beta_t = F\vec\beta_{t-1}+\vec\epsilon_t, \qquad \vec\epsilon_t\sim N(\vec 0, Q)

where g is simple distribution, we observe t=1,\dots,T periods, and I_t, y_{it}, \vec x_{it}, and \vec z_{it} are known. What is multivariate is \vec y_t = \{y_{it}\}_{i\in I_t} (though, \vec \beta_t can also be multivariate) and this package is written to scale well in the cardinality of I_t. The package uses independent particle filters as suggested by Lin et al. (2005). This particular type of filter can be used in the method suggested by Poyiadjis, Doucet, and Singh (2011). I will show an example of how to use the package through the rest of the document and highlight some implementation details.

The package can be installed from Github e.g., by calling


or from CRAN by calling


Table of Contents

Poisson Example

We simulate data as follows.

# simulate path of state variables 
n_periods <- 312L
(F. <- matrix(c(.5, .1, 0, .8), 2L))
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]  0.5  0.0
## [2,]  0.1  0.8
(Q <- matrix(c(.5^2, .1, .1, .7^2), 2L))
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 0.25 0.10
## [2,] 0.10 0.49
(Q_0 <- matrix(c(0.333, 0.194, 0.194, 1.46), 2L))
##       [,1]  [,2]
## [1,] 0.333 0.194
## [2,] 0.194 1.460
betas <- cbind(crossprod(chol(Q_0),        rnorm(2L)                      ), 
               crossprod(chol(Q  ), matrix(rnorm((n_periods - 1L) * 2), 2)))
betas <- t(betas)
for(i in 2:nrow(betas))
  betas[i, ] <- betas[i, ] + F. %*% betas[i - 1L, ]
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
matplot(betas, lty = 1, type = "l")

# simulate observations
cfix <- c(-1, .2, .5, -1) # gamma
n_obs <- 100L
dat <- lapply(1:n_obs, function(id){
  x <- runif(n_periods, -1, 1)
  X <- cbind(X1 = x, X2 = runif(1, -1, 1))
  z <- runif(n_periods, -1, 1)
  eta <- drop(cbind(1, X, z) %*% cfix + rowSums(cbind(1, z) * betas))
  y <- rpois(n_periods, lambda = exp(eta))
  # randomly drop some
  keep <- .2 > runif(n_periods)
  data.frame(y = y, X, Z = z, id = id, time_idx = 1:n_periods)[keep, ]
dat <-, dat)

# show some properties 
## [1] 6242
##    y      X1     X2       Z id time_idx
## 2  0  0.5685 0.9272  0.9845  1        2
## 3  0 -0.2260 0.9272  0.1585  1        3
## 4  1 -0.7234 0.9272  0.4847  1        4
## 5  1 -0.3010 0.9272 -0.6352  1        5
## 8  2 -0.4437 0.9272  0.8311  1        8
## 13 1  0.2834 0.9272  0.7135  1       13
##    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14 
## 3881 1479  486  180   83   54   32    8    7    6    6    2    3    3    2 
##   15   16   17   20   21   24   26   28 
##    2    1    1    2    1    1    1    1
# quick smooth of number of events vs. time
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
plot(smooth.spline(dat$time_idx, dat$y), type = "l", xlab = "Time", 
     ylab = "Number of events")

# and split by those with `Z` above and below 0
with(dat, {
  z_large <- ifelse(Z > 0, "large", "small")
  smooths <- lapply(split(cbind(dat, z_large), z_large), function(x){
    plot(smooth.spline(x$time_idx, x$y), type = "l", xlab = "Time", 
     ylab = paste("Number of events -", unique(x$z_large)))

In the above, we simulate 312 (n_periods) with 100 (n_obs) individuals. Each individual has a fixed covariate, X2, and two time-varying covariates, X1 and Z. One of the time-varying covariates, Z, has a random slope. Further, the intercept is also random.

Log-Likelihood Approximations

We start by estimating a generalized linear model without random effects.

glm_fit <- glm(y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, poisson(), dat)
## Call:
## glm(formula = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -2.266  -1.088  -0.767   0.395  10.913  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  -0.5558     0.0180  -30.82  < 2e-16 ***
## X1            0.2024     0.0265    7.62  2.4e-14 ***
## X2            0.5160     0.0275   18.78  < 2e-16 ***
## Z            -0.9122     0.0286  -31.90  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 10989.1  on 6241  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  9427.1  on 6238  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 14977
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
## 'log Lik.' -7485 (df=4)

Next, we make a log-likelihood approximation with the implemented particle at the true parameters with the mssm function.

ll_func <- mssm(
  fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
  # make it explict that there is an intercept (not needed)
  random = ~ 1 + Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
    n_threads = 5L, N_part = 500L, what = "log_density"))

  mssm_obj <- ll_func$pf_filter(
    cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   2.047   0.011   0.527
# returns the log-likelihood approximation
## 'log Lik.' -5865 (df=11)
# also shown by print
## Call:  mssm(fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
##     random = ~1 + Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(n_threads = 5L, 
##         N_part = 500L, what = "log_density"))
## Family is 'poisson' with link 'log'.
## State vector is assumed to be X_t ~ N(F * X_(t-1), Q).
## F is
##             (Intercept)   Z
## (Intercept)         0.5 0.0
## Z                   0.1 0.8
## Q's standard deviations are
## (Intercept)           Z 
##         0.5         0.7 
## Q's correlation matrix is (lower triangle is shown)
##   (Intercept)
## Z       0.286
## Fixed coefficients are
## (Intercept)          X1          X2           Z 
##        -1.0         0.2         0.5        -1.0 
## Log-likelihood approximation is -5865
## 500 particles are used and summary statistics for effective sample sizes are
##   Mean      458.4
##   sd         22.1
##   Min       325.7
##   Max       484.8
## Number of parameters           11
## Number of observations       6242

We get a much larger log-likelihood as expected. We can plot the predicted values of state variables from the filter distribution.

# get predicted mean and prediction interval 
filter_means <- plot(mssm_obj, do_plot = FALSE)

# plot with which also contains the true paths
for(i in 1:ncol(betas)){
  be <- betas[, i]
  me <- filter_means$means[i, ]
  lb <- filter_means$lbs[i, ]
  ub <- filter_means$ubs[i, ]
  #     dashed: true paths
  # continuous: predicted mean from filter distribution 
  #     dotted: prediction interval
  par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
  matplot(cbind(be, me, lb, ub), lty = c(2, 1, 3, 3), type = "l", 
          col = "black", ylab = rownames(filter_means$lbs)[i])

We can also get predicted values from the smoothing distribution.

# get smoothing weights
mssm_obj <- ll_func$smoother(mssm_obj)

# get predicted mean and prediction interval from smoothing distribution
smooth_means <- plot(mssm_obj, do_plot = FALSE, which_weights = "smooth")

for(i in 1:ncol(betas)){
  be  <- betas[, i]
  me  <- filter_means$means[i, ]
  lb  <- filter_means$lbs[i, ]
  ub  <- filter_means$ubs[i, ]
  mes <- smooth_means$means[i, ]
  lbs <- smooth_means$lbs[i, ]
  ubs <- smooth_means$ubs[i, ]
  #     dashed: true paths
  # continuous: predicted mean from filter distribution 
  #     dotted: prediction interval
  # smooth predictions are in a different color
  par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
  matplot(cbind(be, me, lb, ub, mes, lbs, ubs), 
          lty = c(2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3), type = "l", 
          col = c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 3)), ylab = rownames(filter_means$lbs)[i])

# compare mean square error of the two means
rbind(filter = colMeans((t(filter_means$means) - betas)^2), 
      smooth = colMeans((t(smooth_means$means) - betas)^2))
##        (Intercept)      Z
## filter      0.1035 0.2127
## smooth      0.1012 0.1906

We can get the effective sample size at each point in time with the get_ess function.

(ess <- get_ess(mssm_obj))
## Effective sample sizes
##   Mean      458.4
##   sd         22.1
##   Min       325.7
##   Max       484.8

We can compare this what we get by using a so-called bootstrap (like) filter instead.

  ll_boot <- mssm(
    fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
    random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
      n_threads = 5L, N_part = 500L, what = "log_density", 
      which_sampler = "bootstrap"))
    boot_fit <- ll_boot$pf_filter(
      cfix = coef(glm_fit), disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q)))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.929   0.012   0.504

The above is not much faster (and maybe slower in this run) as the bulk of the computation is not in the sampling step. We can also compare the log-likelihood approximation with what we get if we choose parameters close to the GLM estimates.

mssm_glm <- ll_func$pf_filter(
  cfix = coef(glm_fit), disp = numeric(), F. = diag(1e-8, 2), 
  Q = diag(1e-4^2, 2))
## 'log Lik.' -7485 (df=11)

Antithetic Variables

One way to reduce the variance of the Monte Carlo estimate is to use antithetic variables. Two types of antithetic variables are implemented as in Durbin and Koopman (1997). That is, one balanced for location and two balanced for scale. This is currently only implemented with a t-distribution as the proposal distribution.

We start by giving some details on the locations balanced variable. Suppose we use a t-distribution with \nu degrees of freedom, a d dimensional mean of \mu and a scale matrix \Sigma. We can then generate a sample by setting

\begin{aligned}  \vec x &= \vec\mu + C \frac{\vec z}{\sqrt{a / \nu}} & \Sigma &= CC^\top \\ \vec z &\sim N(\vec 0, I) & a &\sim \chi^2_\nu \end{aligned}

Then the location balanced variable is

\widehat{\vec x} = \vec\mu - C \frac{\vec z}{\sqrt{a / \nu}}

For the scaled balanced variables we use that

u = \frac{\vec z^\top\vec z/ d}{a / \nu} \sim F(d, \nu)

We then define the cumulative distribution function

k = P(U \leq u) = Q(u)

and set

u' = Q^{-1}(1 - k)

Then the two scaled balanced variables are

\begin{aligned} \widetilde{\vec x}_1 &= \vec\mu + \sqrt{u'/u} \cdot C \frac{\vec z}{\sqrt{a / \nu}} \\ \widetilde{\vec x}_2 &= \vec\mu - \sqrt{u'/u} \cdot C \frac{\vec z}{\sqrt{a / \nu}} \end{aligned}

We will illustrate the reduction in variance of the log-likelihood estimate. To do so, we run the particle filter with and without antithetic variables multiple times below to get an estimate of the error of the approximation.

compare_anti <- local({
  ll_func_no_anti <- mssm(
    fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
    random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
      n_threads = 5L, N_part = 500L, what = "log_density")) 
  ll_func_anti <- mssm(
    fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat,
    random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
      n_threads = 5L, N_part = 500L, what = "log_density", 
      use_antithetic = TRUE)) 
  no_anti <- replicate(
    100, {
      ti <- system.time(x <- logLik(ll_func_no_anti$pf_filter(
        cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q, seed = NULL)))
      list(ti = ti, x = x)
    }, simplify = FALSE)
  w_anti  <- replicate(
    100, {
      ti <- system.time(x <- logLik(ll_func_anti$pf_filter(
        cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q, seed = NULL)))
      list(ti = ti, x = x)
    }, simplify = FALSE)
  list(no_anti = no_anti, w_anti = w_anti)

The mean estimate of the log-likelihood and standard error of the estimate is shown below with and without antithetic variables.

sapply(compare_anti, function(x){ 
  x <- sapply(x, "[[", "x")
  c(mean = mean(x), se = sd(x) / sqrt(length(x)))
##          no_anti     w_anti
## mean -5864.42610 -5864.3495
## se       0.05163     0.0298

Using antithetic variables is slower. Below we show summary statistics for the elapsed time without using antithetic variables and with antithetic variables.

sapply(compare_anti, function(x){ 
  x <- sapply(x, "[[", "ti")
  z <- x[c("elapsed"), ]
  c(mean = mean(z), quantile(z, c(.5, .25, .75, 0, 1)))
##      no_anti w_anti
## mean  0.4878 0.5402
## 50%   0.4810 0.5340
## 25%   0.4695 0.5207
## 75%   0.4993 0.5553
## 0%    0.4400 0.4910
## 100%  0.5740 0.6560

Parameter Estimation

We will need to estimate the parameters for real applications. We could do this e.g., with a Monte Carlo expectation-maximization algorithm or by using a Monte Carlo approximation of the gradient. Currently, the latter is only available and the user will have to write a custom function to perform the estimation. I will provide an example below. The sgd function is not a part of the package. Instead the package provides a way to approximate the gradient and allows the user to perform subsequent maximization (e.g., with constraints or penalties). The definition of the sgd is given at the end of this file as it is somewhat long. We start by using a Laplace approximation to get the starting values.

# setup mssmFunc object to use 
ll_func <- mssm(  
  fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
  random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
    n_threads = 5L, N_part = 200L, what = "gradient", use_antithetic = TRUE))

# use Laplace approximation to get starting values
  sta <- ll_func$Laplace(
    F. = diag(.5, 2), Q = diag(1, 2), cfix = coef(glm_fit), disp = numeric()))
## Mode approxmation failed at least once

##    user  system elapsed 
##  31.220   0.636   7.832
# the function returns an object with the estimated parameters and  
# approximation log-likelihood
## Call:  mssm(fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
##     random = ~Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(n_threads = 5L, 
##         N_part = 200L, what = "gradient", use_antithetic = TRUE))
## Family is 'poisson' with link 'log'.
## Parameters are estimated with a Laplace approximation.
## State vector is assumed to be X_t ~ N(F * X_(t-1), Q).
## F estimate is
##             (Intercept)        Z
## (Intercept)     0.49174 -0.00466
## Z              -0.00831  0.79513
## Q's standard deviations estimates are
## (Intercept)           Z 
##       0.547       0.703 
## Q's correlation matrix estimates is (lower triangle is shown)
##   (Intercept)
## Z       0.325
## Fixed coefficients estimates are
## (Intercept)          X1          X2           Z 
##      -0.910       0.213       0.523      -0.892 
## Log-likelihood approximation is -5863 
## Number of parameters           11
## Number of observations       6242
##             (Intercept)      Z
## (Intercept)      0.2996 0.1251
## Z                0.1251 0.4940
# use stochastic gradient descent with averaging
  res <- sgd(
    ll_func, F. = sta$F., Q = sta$Q, cfix = sta$cfix, 
    lrs = .001 * (1:50)^(-1/2), n_it = 50L, avg_start = 30L))
##    user  system elapsed 
## 227.520   1.236  53.674
# use Adam algorithm instead
  resa <- adam(
    ll_func, F. = sta$F., Q = sta$Q, cfix = sta$cfix, 
    lr = .01, n_it = 50L))
##    user  system elapsed 
## 227.604   1.283  53.607

Plots of the approximate log-likelihoods at each iteration is shown below along with the final estimates.

print(tail(res$logLik), digits = 6) # final log-likelihood approximations
## [1] -5862.05 -5861.92 -5861.79 -5861.78 -5861.54 -5861.59
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
plot(res$logLik, type = "l", ylab = "log-likelihood approximation")

plot(res$grad_norm, type = "l", ylab = "approximate gradient norm")

# final estimates
##             (Intercept)         Z
## (Intercept)   0.4957314 -0.001611
## Z            -0.0007354  0.799463
##             (Intercept)      Z
## (Intercept)      0.3031 0.1243
## Z                0.1243 0.4970
## [1] -0.9740  0.2137  0.5240 -0.8984
# compare with output from Adam algorithm
print(tail(resa$logLik), digits = 6) # final log-likelihood approximations
## [1] -5862.07 -5861.94 -5861.81 -5861.79 -5861.56 -5861.65
plot(resa$logLik, type = "l", ylab = "log-likelihood approximation")

plot(resa$grad_norm, type = "l", ylab = "approximate gradient norm")

##             (Intercept)         Z
## (Intercept)   0.4931484 -0.002659
## Z             0.0001808  0.800192
##             (Intercept)      Z
## (Intercept)      0.3069 0.1300
## Z                0.1300 0.4987
## [1] -0.9840  0.2136  0.5245 -0.9396

We may want to use more particles towards the end when we estimate the parameters. To do, we use the approximation described in the next section at the final estimates that we arrived at before.

ll_func <- mssm(
  fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
  random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
    n_threads = 5L, N_part = 10000L, what = "gradient",
    which_ll_cp = "KD", aprx_eps = .01, use_antithetic = TRUE))

  res_final <- adam(
    ll_func, F. = resa$F., Q = resa$Q, cfix = resa$cfix, 
    lr = .001, n_it = 25L))
##    user  system elapsed 
## 2962.58   24.67  674.59
plot(res_final$logLik, type = "l", ylab = "log-likelihood approximation")

plot(res_final$grad_norm, type = "l", ylab = "approximate gradient norm")

##             (Intercept)         Z
## (Intercept)    0.502139 -0.002061
## Z              0.007066  0.799001
##             (Intercept)      Z
## (Intercept)      0.3032 0.1228
## Z                0.1228 0.4969
## [1] -0.9784  0.2136  0.5245 -0.9187

Faster Approximation

One drawback with the particle filter we use is that it has \mathcal{O}(N^2) computational complexity where N is the number of particles. We can see this by changing the number of particles.

  # assign function that returns a function that uses a given number of 
  # particles
  func <- function(N){
    ll_func <- mssm(
      fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
      random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
        n_threads = 5L, N_part = N, what = "log_density", 
        use_antithetic = TRUE))
        cfix = coef(glm_fit), disp = numeric(), F. = diag(1e-8, 2), 
        Q = diag(1e-4^2, 2))
  f_100  <- func( 100L)
  f_200  <- func( 200L)
  f_400  <- func( 400L)
  f_800  <- func( 800L)
  f_1600 <- func(1600L)
  # benchmark. Should ĩncrease at ~ N^2 rate
    `100` = f_100(), `200` = f_200(), `400` = f_400(), `800` = f_800(),
    `1600` = f_1600(), times = 3L)
## Unit: milliseconds
##  expr     min      lq    mean median      uq     max neval
##   100   68.76   69.48   69.86   70.2   70.42   70.63     3
##   200  147.95  153.14  159.71  158.3  165.59  172.86     3
##   400  367.42  370.75  372.86  374.1  375.58  377.09     3
##   800  973.96  974.70  996.01  975.4 1007.03 1038.61     3
##  1600 3268.12 3290.25 3304.28 3312.4 3322.36 3332.33     3

A solution is to use the dual k-d tree method I cover later. The computational complexity is \mathcal{O}(N \log N) for this method which is somewhat indicated by the run times shown below.

  # assign function that returns a function that uses a given number of 
  # particles
  func <- function(N){
    ll_func <- mssm(
      fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat, 
      random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
        n_threads = 5L, N_part = N, what = "log_density", 
        which_ll_cp = "KD", KD_N_max = 6L, aprx_eps = 1e-2, 
        use_antithetic = TRUE))
        cfix = coef(glm_fit), disp = numeric(), F. = diag(1e-8, 2), 
        Q = diag(1e-4^2, 2))
  f_100   <- func(  100L)
  f_200   <- func(  200L)
  f_400   <- func(  400L)
  f_800   <- func(  800L)
  f_1600  <- func( 1600L)
  f_12800 <- func(12800L) # <-- much larger
  # benchmark. Should increase at ~ N log N rate
    `100` = f_100(), `200` = f_200(), `400` = f_400(), `800` = f_800(), 
    `1600` = f_1600(), `12800` = f_12800(), times = 3L)
## Unit: milliseconds
##   expr    min     lq   mean median     uq    max neval
##    100  123.1  124.9  127.2  126.6  129.3  131.9     3
##    200  214.3  215.1  216.4  216.0  217.5  219.0     3
##    400  451.1  452.1  453.1  453.1  454.0  455.0     3
##    800  909.7  917.3  924.3  924.9  931.6  938.2     3
##   1600 1663.5 1693.8 1708.2 1724.1 1730.6 1737.1     3
##  12800 9243.3 9261.2 9272.7 9279.1 9287.5 9295.8     3

The aprx_eps controls the size of the error. To be precise about what this value does then we need to some notation for the complete likelihood (the likelihood where we observe \vec\beta_1,\dots,\vec\beta_Ts). This is

L = \mu_1(\vec \beta_1)g_1(\vec y_1 \mid \vec \beta_1)\prod_{t=2}^Tf(\vec\beta_t \mid\vec\beta_{t-1})g_t(y_t\mid\beta_t)

where g_t is conditional distribution \vec y_t given \vec\beta_t, f is the conditional distribution of \vec\beta_t given \vec\beta_{t-1}, and \mu is the time-invariant distribution of \vec\beta_t. Let w_t^{(j)} be the weight of particle j at time t and \vec \beta_t^{(j)} be the jth particle at time t. Then we ensure the error in our evaluation of terms w_{t-1}^{(j)}f(\vec\beta_t^{(i)} \mid \vec\beta_{t-1}^{(j)}) never exceeds

w_{t-1}^{(j)} \frac{u - l}{(u + l)/2}

where u and l are respectively an upper and lower bound of f(\vec\beta_t^{(i)} \mid \vec\beta_{t-1}^{(j)}). The question is how big the error is. Thus, we consider the error in the log-likelihood approximation at the true parameters.

ll_compare <- local({
  N_use <- 500L 
  # we alter the seed in each run. First, the exact method
  ll_no_approx <- sapply(1:200, function(seed){
    ll_func <- mssm(
      fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat,
      random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
        n_threads = 5L, N_part = N_use, what = "log_density", 
        seed = seed, use_antithetic = TRUE))
      cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q))
  # then the approximation
  ll_approx <- sapply(1:200, function(seed){
    ll_func <- mssm(
      fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat,
      random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
        n_threads = 5L, N_part = N_use, what = "log_density", 
        KD_N_max = 6L, aprx_eps = 1e-2, seed = seed, 
        which_ll_cp = "KD", use_antithetic = TRUE))
      cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q))
  list(ll_no_approx = ll_no_approx, ll_approx = ll_approx)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
  ll_compare$ll_no_approx, main = "", breaks = 20L, 
  xlab = "Log-likelihood approximation -- no aprox")

  ll_compare$ll_approx   , main = "", breaks = 20L, 
  xlab = "Log-likelihood approximation -- aprox")

We can make a t-test for whether there is a difference between the two log-likelihood estimates

with(ll_compare, t.test(ll_no_approx, ll_approx))
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  ll_no_approx and ll_approx
## t = -14, df = 398, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.5129 -0.3847
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##     -5864     -5864

The fact that there may only be a small difference if any is nice because now we can get a much better approximation (in terms of variance) quickly of e.g., the log-likelihood as shown below.

ll_approx <- sapply(1:10, function(seed){
  N_use <- 10000L # many more particles
  ll_func <- mssm(
    fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat,
    random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
      n_threads = 5L, N_part = N_use, what = "log_density", 
      KD_N_max = 100L, aprx_eps = 1e-2, seed = seed, 
      which_ll_cp = "KD", use_antithetic = TRUE))
    cfix = cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = F., Q = Q))

# approximate log-likelihood
## [1] 0.07152
print(mean(ll_approx), digits = 6)
## [1] -5864
# compare sd with 
## [1] 0.3263
print(mean(ll_compare$ll_no_approx), digits = 6)
## [1] -5864.33

Approximate Observed Information Matrix

Next, we look at approximating the observed information matrix with the method suggested by Poyiadjis, Doucet, and Singh (2011).

ll_func <- mssm(
  fixed = y ~ X1 + X2 + Z, family = poisson(), data = dat,
  random = ~ Z, ti = time_idx, control = mssm_control(
    n_threads = 5L, N_part = 10000L, what = "Hessian",
    which_ll_cp = "KD", aprx_eps = .01, use_antithetic = TRUE))

  mssm_obs_info <- ll_func$pf_filter(
    cfix = res_final$cfix, disp = numeric(), F. = res_final$F., 
    Q = res_final$Q))
##    user  system elapsed 
## 352.638   1.183  77.434

We define a function below to get the approximate gradient and approximate observed information matrix from the returned object. Then we compare the output to the GLM we estimated and to the true parameters.

# Function to subtract the approximate gradient elements and approximate 
# observed information matrix. 
# Args:
#   object: an object of class mssm.
# Returns:
#   list with the approximate gradient elements and approximate observed 
# information matrix. 
get_grad_n_obs_info <- function(object){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "mssm"))

  # get dimension of the components
  n_rng   <- nrow(object$Z)
  dim_fix <- nrow(object$X)
  dim_rng <- n_rng * n_rng + ((n_rng + 1L) * n_rng) / 2L
  has_dispersion <-
    any(sapply(c("^Gamma", "^gaussian"), grepl, x = object$family))
  # get quantities for each particle
  quants <-     tail(object$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$stats
  ws     <- exp(tail(object$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$ws_normalized)

  # get mean estimates
  meas <- colSums(t(quants) * drop(ws))

  # separate out the different components. Start with the gradient
  idx <- dim_fix + dim_rng + has_dispersion
  grad <- meas[1:idx]
  dim_names <- names(grad)

  # then the observed information matrix
  I1 <- matrix(
    meas[-(1:idx)], dim_fix + dim_rng + has_dispersion, 
    dimnames = list(dim_names, dim_names))
  I2 <- matrix(0., nrow(I1), ncol(I1))
  for(i in seq_along(ws))
    I2 <- I2 + ws[i] * tcrossprod(quants[1:idx, i])

  list(grad = grad, obs_info = tcrossprod(grad) - I1 - I2)

# use function
out <- get_grad_n_obs_info(mssm_obs_info)

# approximate gradient
##               (Intercept)                        X1 
##                  0.211341                  0.283541 
##                        X2                         Z 
##                  0.154870                  0.037114 
## F:(Intercept).(Intercept)           F:Z.(Intercept) 
##                  0.080264                 -0.236594 
##           F:(Intercept).Z                     F:Z.Z 
##                 -0.002054                  0.410972 
## Q:(Intercept).(Intercept)           Q:Z.(Intercept) 
##                 -0.361656                  0.654905 
##                     Q:Z.Z 
##                 -0.186215
# approximate standard errors
(ses <- sqrt(diag(solve(out$obs_info))))
##               (Intercept)                        X1 
##                   0.04401                   0.02815 
##                        X2                         Z 
##                   0.02920                   0.08919 
## F:(Intercept).(Intercept)           F:Z.(Intercept) 
##                   0.06737                   0.09086 
##           F:(Intercept).Z                     F:Z.Z 
##                   0.03278                   0.04176 
## Q:(Intercept).(Intercept)           Q:Z.(Intercept) 
##                   0.03625                   0.03951 
##                     Q:Z.Z 
##                   0.07010
# look at output for parameters in the observational equation. First, compare 
# with glm's standard errors
## (Intercept)          X1          X2           Z 
##     0.01803     0.02654     0.02747     0.02860
# and relative to true parameters vs. estimated
  true             = cfix, 
  glm              = coef(glm_fit), 
  mssm             = res_final$cfix, 
  `standard error` = ses[1:4])
##                (Intercept)      X1     X2        Z
## true              -1.00000 0.20000 0.5000 -1.00000
## glm               -0.55576 0.20237 0.5160 -0.91216
## mssm              -0.97837 0.21359 0.5245 -0.91867
## standard error     0.04401 0.02815 0.0292  0.08919
# next look at parameters in state equation. First four are for F.
  true             = c(F.), 
  mssm             = c(res_final$F.), 
  `standard error` = ses[5:8])
##                F:(Intercept).(Intercept) F:Z.(Intercept) F:(Intercept).Z
## true                             0.50000        0.100000        0.000000
## mssm                             0.50214        0.007066       -0.002061
## standard error                   0.06737        0.090857        0.032778
##                  F:Z.Z
## true           0.80000
## mssm           0.79900
## standard error 0.04176
# next three are w.r.t. the lower diagonal part of Q
  true             =           Q[lower.tri(Q, diag = TRUE)], 
  mssm             = res_final$Q[lower.tri(Q, diag = TRUE)], 
  `standard error` = ses[9:11])
##                Q:(Intercept).(Intercept) Q:Z.(Intercept)  Q:Z.Z
## true                             0.25000         0.10000 0.4900
## mssm                             0.30322         0.12282 0.4969
## standard error                   0.03625         0.03951 0.0701

Supported Families

The following families are supported:

  • The binomial distribution is supported with logit, probit, and cloglog link.
  • The Poisson distribution is supported with square root and log link.
  • The gamma distribution is supported with log link.
  • The normal distribution with identity link (to compare with e.g., a Kalman filter), log link, and the inverse link function.

Fast Sum-Kernel Approximation

This package contains a simple implementation of the dual-tree method like the one suggested by Gray and Moore (2003) and shown in Klaas et al. (2006). The problem we want to solve is the sum-kernel problem in Klaas et al. (2006). Particularly, we consider the situation where we have 1,\dots,N_q query particles denoted by \{\vec Y_i\}_{i=1,\dots,N_q} and 1,\dots,N_s source particles denoted by \{\vec X_j\}_{j=1,\dots,N_s}. For each query particle, we want to compute the weights

W_i = \frac{\tilde W_i}{\sum_{k = 1}^{N_q} \tilde W_i},\qquad \tilde W_i = \sum_{j=1}^{N_s} \bar W_j K(\vec Y_i, \vec X_j)

where each source particle has an associated weight \bar W_j and K is a kernel. Computing the above is \mathcal{O}(N_sN_q) which is major bottleneck if N_s and N_q is large. However, one can use a k-d tree for the query particles and source particles and exploit that:

  • W_j K(\vec Y_i, \vec X_j) is almost zero for some pairs of nodes in the two k-d trees.
  • K(\cdot, \vec X_j) is almost identical for some nodes in the k-d tree for the source particles.

Thus, a substantial amount of computation can be skipped or approximated with e.g., the centroid in the source node with only a minor loss of precision. The dual-tree approximation method is \mathcal{O}(N_s\log N_s) and \mathcal{O}(N_q\log N_q). We start by defining a function to simulate the source and query particles (we will let the two sets be identical for simplicity). Further, we plot one draw of simulated points and illustrate the leafs in the k-d tree.

# define function to simulate data
mus <- matrix(c(-1, -1, 
                 1, 1, 
                -1, 1), 3L, byrow = FALSE)
mus <- mus * .75
Sig <- diag(c(.5^2, .25^2))

get_sims <- function(n_per_grp){
  # simulate X
  sims <- lapply(1:nrow(mus), function(i){
    mu <- mus[i, ]
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n_per_grp * 2L), nrow = 2L)
    X <- t(crossprod(chol(Sig), X) + mu)
    data.frame(X, grp = i)
  sims <-, sims)
  X <- t(as.matrix(sims[, c("X1", "X2")]))
  # simulate weights
  ws <- exp(rnorm(ncol(X)))
  ws <- ws / sum(ws)
  list(sims = sims, X = X, ws = ws)

# show example 
invisible(list2env(get_sims(5000L), environment()))

# plot points
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
plot(as.matrix(sims[, c("X1", "X2")]), col = sims$grp + 1L)

# find k-d tree and add borders 
out <- mssm:::test_KD_note(X, 50L)
out$indices <- out$indices + 1L
n_ele <- drop(out$n_elems)
idx <- mapply(`:`, cumsum(c(1L, head(n_ele, -1))), cumsum(n_ele))
stopifnot(all(sapply(idx, length) == n_ele))
idx <- lapply(idx, function(i) out$indices[i])
stopifnot(!anyDuplicated(unlist(idx)), length(unlist(idx)) == ncol(X))

grps <- lapply(idx, function(i) X[, i])

borders <- lapply(grps, function(x) apply(x, 1, range))
invisible(lapply(borders, function(b) 
  rect(b[1, "X1"], b[1, "X2"], b[2, "X1"], b[2, "X2"])))

Next, we compute the run-times for the previous examples and compare the approximations of the un-normalized log weights, \log \tilde W_i, and normalized weights, W_i. The n_threads sets the number of threads to use in the methods.

# run-times
  `dual tree 1` = mssm:::FSKA (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, 
                               eps = 5e-3, n_threads = 1L),
  `dual tree 4` = mssm:::FSKA (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, 
                               eps = 5e-3, n_threads = 4L),
  `naive 1`     = mssm:::naive(X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, n_threads = 1L),
  `naive 4`     = mssm:::naive(X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, n_threads = 4L),
  times = 10L)
## Unit: milliseconds
##         expr     min      lq   mean  median      uq     max neval
##  dual tree 1  109.58  114.52  126.6  115.53  118.07  232.78    10
##  dual tree 4   40.79   41.55   47.2   43.36   48.48   66.86    10
##      naive 1 3263.74 3523.12 3556.4 3556.02 3647.89 3743.59    10
##      naive 4  898.78  976.93 1335.7 1138.00 1286.56 3342.69    10
# The functions return the un-normalized log weights. We first compare
# the result on this scale
o1 <- mssm:::FSKA  (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, eps = 5e-3, 
                    n_threads = 1L)
o2 <- mssm:::naive(X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, n_threads = 4L)

all.equal(o1, o2)
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0015"
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
hist((o1 - o2)/ abs((o1 + o2) / 2), breaks = 50, main = "", 
     xlab = "Delta un-normalized log weights")

# then we compare the normalized weights
func <- function(x){
  x_max <- max(x)
  x <- exp(x - x_max)
  x / sum(x)

o1 <- func(o1)
o2 <- func(o2)
all.equal(o1, o2)
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0008531"
hist((o1 - o2)/ abs((o1 + o2) / 2), breaks = 50, main = "", 
     xlab = "Delta normalized log weights")

Finally, we compare the run-times as function of N = N_s = N_q. The dashed line is "naive" method, the continuous line is the dual-tree method, and the dotted line is dual-tree method using 1 thread.

Ns <- 2^(7:14)
run_times <- lapply(Ns, function(N){ 
  invisible(list2env(get_sims(N), environment()))
    `dual-tree`   = mssm:::FSKA (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, eps = 5e-3, 
                                 n_threads = 4L),
    naive         = mssm:::naive(X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, n_threads = 4L),
    `dual-tree 1` = mssm:::FSKA (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, eps = 5e-3, 
                                 n_threads = 1L), 
    times = 5L)

Ns_xtra <- 2^(15:19) 
run_times_xtra <- lapply(Ns_xtra, function(N){
  invisible(list2env(get_sims(N), environment()))
    `dual-tree` = mssm:::FSKA (X = X, ws = ws, Y = X, N_min = 10L, eps = 5e-3, 
                               n_threads = 4L),
    times = 5L)
meds <- t(sapply(run_times, function(x) summary(x, unit = "s")[, "median"]))
meds_xtra <- 
  sapply(run_times_xtra, function(x) summary(x, unit = "s")[, "median"])
meds <- rbind(meds, cbind(meds_xtra, NA_real_, NA_real_))
dimnames(meds) <- list(
  N = c(Ns, Ns_xtra) * 3L, method = c("Dual-tree", "Naive", "Dual-tree 1"))
##          method
## N         Dual-tree     Naive Dual-tree 1
##   384      0.001715  0.001659    0.003271
##   768      0.003062  0.002737    0.006856
##   1536     0.005478  0.009643    0.011102
##   3072     0.010753  0.051587    0.026246
##   6144     0.022150  0.166788    0.049191
##   12288    0.035632  0.665132    0.092363
##   24576    0.062067  2.560118    0.173363
##   49152    0.114004 10.363843    0.330979
##   98304    0.220485        NA          NA
##   196608   0.481767        NA          NA
##   393216   0.921783        NA          NA
##   786432   1.824274        NA          NA
##   1572864  3.924601        NA          NA
par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1))
matplot(c(Ns, Ns_xtra) * 3L, meds, lty = 1:3, type = "l", log = "xy", 
        ylab = "seconds", xlab = "N", col = "black")

Function Definitions

# Stochastic gradient descent for mssm object. The function assumes that the 
# state vector is stationary. The default values are rather arbitrary.
# Args:
#   object: an object of class mssmFunc. 
#   n_it: number of iterations. 
#   lrs: learning rates to use. Must have n_it elements. Like problem specific. 
#   avg_start: index to start averaging. See Polyak et al. (1992) for arguments
#              for averaging.
#   cfix: starting values for fixed coefficients. 
#   F.: starting value for transition matrix in conditional distribution of the 
#       current state given the previous state.
#   Q: starting value for covariance matrix in conditional distribution of the 
#      current state given the previous. 
#   verbose: TRUE if output should be printed during estmation. 
#   disp: starting value for dispersion parameter.
# Returns:
#   List with estimates and the log-likelihood approximation at each iteration. 
sgd <- function(
  object, n_it = 150L, 
  lrs = 1e-2 * (1:n_it)^(-1/2), avg_start = max(1L, as.integer(n_it * 4L / 5L)),
  cfix, F., Q,  verbose = FALSE, disp = numeric())
  # make checks
    inherits(object, "mssmFunc"), object$control$what == "gradient", n_it > 0L, 
    all(lrs > 0.), avg_start > 1L, length(lrs) == n_it)
  n_fix <- nrow(object$X)
  n_rng <- nrow(object$Z)
  # objects for estimates at each iteration, gradient norms, and
  # log-likelihood approximations
  has_dispersion <-
    any(sapply(c("^Gamma", "^gaussian"), grepl, x = object$family))
  n_params <-
    has_dispersion + n_fix + n_rng * n_rng + n_rng * (n_rng  + 1L) / 2L
  ests <- matrix(NA_real_, n_it + 1L, n_params)
  ests[1L, ] <- c(
    cfix,  if(has_dispersion) disp else NULL, F.,
    Q[lower.tri(Q, diag = TRUE)])
  grad_norm <- lls <- rep(NA_real_, n_it)
  # indices of the different components
  idx_fix   <- 1:n_fix
    idx_dip <- n_fix + 1L
  idx_F     <- 1:(n_rng * n_rng) + n_fix + has_dispersion
  idx_Q     <- 1:(n_rng * (n_rng  + 1L) / 2L) + n_fix + n_rng * n_rng +
  # function to set the parameters
  library(matrixcalc) # TODO: get rid of this
  dup_mat <- duplication.matrix(ncol(Q))
  set_parems <- function(i){
    # select whether or not to average
    idx <- if(i > avg_start) avg_start:i else i
    # set new parameters
    cfix   <<-             colMeans(ests[idx, idx_fix, drop = FALSE])
      disp <<-             colMeans(ests[idx, idx_dip, drop = FALSE])
    F.[]   <<-             colMeans(ests[idx, idx_F  , drop = FALSE])
    Q[]    <<- dup_mat %*% colMeans(ests[idx, idx_Q  , drop = FALSE])
  # run algorithm
  max_half <- 25L
  for(i in 1:n_it + 1L){
    # get gradient. First, run the particle filter
    filter_out <- object$pf_filter(
      cfix = cfix, disp = disp, F. = F., Q = Q, seed = NULL)
    lls[i - 1L] <- c(logLik(filter_out))
    # then get the gradient associated with each particle and the log 
    # normalized weight of the particles
    grads <- tail(filter_out$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$stats
    ws    <- tail(filter_out$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$ws_normalized
    # compute the gradient and take a small step
    grad <- colSums(t(grads) * drop(exp(ws)))
    grad_norm[i - 1L] <- norm(t(grad))
    lr_i <- lrs[i - 1L]
    k <- 0L
    while(k < max_half){
      ests[i, ] <- ests[i - 1L, ] + lr_i * grad 
      # check that Q is positive definite and the system is stationary
      c1 <- all(abs(eigen(F.)$values) < 1)
      c2 <- all(eigen(Q)$values > 0)
      c3 <- !has_dispersion || disp > 0.
      if(c1 && c2 && c3)
      # decrease learning rate
      lr_i <- lr_i * .5
      k <- k + 1L
    # check if we failed to find a value within our constraints
    if(k == max_half)
      stop("failed to find solution within constraints")
    # print information if requested 
        "\nIt %5d: log-likelihood (current, max) %12.2f, %12.2f\n",
        i - 1L, logLik(filter_out), max(lls, na.rm = TRUE)),
        rep("-", 66), "\n", sep = "")
        cat(sprintf("Dispersion: %20.8f\n", disp))
      cat(sprintf("Gradient norm: %10.4f\n", grad_norm[i - 1L]))

  list(estimates = ests, logLik = lls, F. = F., Q = Q, cfix = cfix, 
       disp = disp, grad_norm = grad_norm)

# Stochastic gradient descent for mssm object using the Adam algorithm. The  
# function assumes that the state vector is stationary.
# Args:
#   object: an object of class mssmFunc. 
#   n_it: number of iterations. 
#   mp: decay rate for first moment.
#   vp: decay rate for secod moment.
#   lr: learning rate.
#   cfix: starting values for fixed coefficients. 
#   F.: starting value for transition matrix in conditional distribution of the 
#       current state given the previous state.
#   Q: starting value for covariance matrix in conditional distribution of the 
#      current state given the previous. 
#   verbose: TRUE if output should be printed during estmation. 
#   disp: starting value for dispersion parameter.
# Returns:
#   List with estimates and the log-likelihood approximation at each iteration. 
adam <- function(
  object, n_it = 150L, mp = .9, vp = .999, lr = .01, cfix, F., Q,
  verbose = FALSE, disp = numeric())
  # make checks
    inherits(object, "mssmFunc"), object$control$what == "gradient", n_it > 0L,
    lr > 0., mp > 0, mp < 1, vp > 0, vp < 1)
  n_fix <- nrow(object$X)
  n_rng <- nrow(object$Z)

  # objects for estimates at each iteration, gradient norms, and
  # log-likelihood approximations
  has_dispersion <-
    any(sapply(c("^Gamma", "^gaussian"), grepl, x = object$family))
  n_params <-
    has_dispersion + n_fix + n_rng * n_rng + n_rng * (n_rng  + 1L) / 2L
  ests <- matrix(NA_real_, n_it + 1L, n_params)
  ests[1L, ] <- c(
    cfix,  if(has_dispersion) disp else NULL, F.,
    Q[lower.tri(Q, diag = TRUE)])
  grad_norm <- lls <- rep(NA_real_, n_it)

  # indices of the different components
  idx_fix   <- 1:n_fix
    idx_dip <- n_fix + 1L
  idx_F     <- 1:(n_rng * n_rng) + n_fix + has_dispersion
  idx_Q     <- 1:(n_rng * (n_rng  + 1L) / 2L) + n_fix + n_rng * n_rng +

  # function to set the parameters
  library(matrixcalc) # TODO: get rid of this
  dup_mat <- duplication.matrix(ncol(Q))
  set_parems <- function(i){
    cfix   <<-             ests[i, idx_fix]
      disp <<-             ests[i, idx_dip]
    F.[]   <<-             ests[i, idx_F  ]
    Q[]    <<- dup_mat %*% ests[i, idx_Q  ]


  # run algorithm
  max_half <- 25L
  m <- NULL
  v <- NULL
  failed <- FALSE
  for(i in 1:n_it + 1L){
    # get gradient. First, run the particle filter
    filter_out <- object$pf_filter(
      cfix = cfix, disp = disp, F. = F., Q = Q, seed = NULL)
    lls[i - 1L] <- c(logLik(filter_out))

    # then get the gradient associated with each particle and the log
    # normalized weight of the particles
    grads <- tail(filter_out$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$stats
    ws    <- tail(filter_out$pf_output, 1L)[[1L]]$ws_normalized

    # compute the gradient and take a small step
    grad <- colSums(t(grads) * drop(exp(ws)))
    grad_norm[i - 1L] <- norm(t(grad))

    m <- if(is.null(m)) (1 - mp) * grad   else mp * m + (1 - mp) * grad
    v <- if(is.null(v)) (1 - vp) * grad^2 else vp * v + (1 - vp) * grad^2
    mh <- m / (1 - mp^(i - 1))
    vh <- v / (1 - vp^(i - 1))
    de <- mh / sqrt(vh + 1e-8)

    lr_i <- lr
    k <- 0L
    while(k < max_half){
      ests[i, ] <- ests[i - 1L, ] + lr_i * de

      # check that Q is positive definite, the dispersion parameter is
      # positive, and the system is stationary
      c1 <- all(abs(eigen(F.)$values) < 1)
      c2 <- all(eigen(Q)$values > 0)
      c3 <- !has_dispersion || disp > 0.
      if(c1 && c2 && c3)

      # decrease learning rate
      lr_i <- lr_i * .5
      k <- k + 1L

    # check if we failed to find a value within our constraints
    if(k == max_half){
      warning("failed to find solution within constraints")
      failed <- TRUE

    # print information if requested
        "\nIt %5d: log-likelihood (current, max) %12.2f, %12.2f\n",
        i - 1L, logLik(filter_out), max(lls, na.rm = TRUE)),
        rep("-", 66), "\n", sep = "")
        cat(sprintf("Dispersion: %20.8f\n", disp))
      cat(sprintf("Gradient norm: %10.4f\n", grad_norm[i - 1L]))


  list(estimates = ests, logLik = lls, F. = F., Q = Q, cfix = cfix, 
       disp = disp, failed = failed, grad_norm = grad_norm)


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