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Lance Haig edited this page Dec 23, 2013 · 1 revision

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Set-up Bongo

Run bongo-setup (this needs to be run with root privileges):


bongo-setup has a number of options. You can change the ports where services will be started and configure Bongo to run against a corporate directory. By default, Bongo will be configured to run SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 on their standard ports.

  1. If bongo-setup terminates after the main introduction, with the message "ERROR: A possibly stale bongo-manager pid file has been found.", then this means that Bongo is already started. To stop Bongo, follow the relevant instructions below depending on how you installed Bongo:
    Compiled from source:
    sudo killall bongo-manager
    Debian or Ubuntu packages:
    sudo /etc/init.d/bongoproject stop
    Fedora, CentOS or Redhat Enterprise Linux packages:
    sudo service bongo stop
    SUSE packages:
    sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/bongo stop
  2. When asked "Which driver would you like to use for the directory?", although there is a file option, to allow running without an LDAP server, it's advised to use the managed-ldap option: that works much better, and you may encounter odd bugs otherwise. Note: This needs the slapd package installed.
  3. You should accept the default for the question "Enter file for importing objects:" unless you know what you're doing here.
  4. When asked Enter the hostname for the mail server hosting Bongo [localhost.localdomain]: one should probably accept the default unless you know what you are doing.
  5. When asked Enter the domain name that Bongo will host [localhost.localdomain]: one should enter a single domain without any prefixes like www. or mail.. Examples of correct domain names are:, or
  6. When asked Enter IP address on which to run Bongo []: one should probably accept the default.
  7. You should not be alarmed at the "ERROR: Could not add attribute BongoDomain" message. This always occurs.

Install Bongo Configuration

Simply execute:

$prefix/sbin/bongo-config install

Change admin password and add a user

Firstly, you should change the password of the admin user. It defaults to "bongo". This can be changed by executing (as root):

$prefix/sbin/bongo-admin user-passwd admin

You will now need to add a new user to continue. Execute the following command (as root) to add a demo user with username "rupert", password "bongo":

$prefix/sbin/bongo-admin demo

Note: Users can be added/removed/edited later on by using the bongo-admin command later. Click here for more information.

Start Bongo

If you compiled Bongo from source, follow the Source section, otherwise follow the Packages section:


Run bongo-manager (as root), which takes no arguments.


Bongo is now running! Note: This will run in the current terminal- to run it as a daemon, add an ampersand after the command:

$prefix/sbin/bongo-manager &


Debian or Ubuntu :
sudo /etc/init.d/bongoproject start
Fedora, CentOS or Redhat Enterprise Linux :
sudo service bongo start
sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/bongo start
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