I am a full-stack Software Engneer. I can provide clean code and pixel perfect design. I do not shy away from challenges in my field of work and as a result I have learned a lot and amassed numerous skills and problem solving techniques over the years. I am always looking to improve my craft and keep up with the fast evolving nature of the IT industry.
This section contains some projects i deveped......
A social media platform for developers to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. Users can create profiles, join communities, and participate in discussions.
An application that allows users to search for locations with ease. It provides features such as autocomplete suggestions, maps integration, and directions to the desired destination.
A text editor developed using Vue.js. It offers a simple and intuitive interface with features like syntax highlighting, code formatting, and customizable themes.
An app designed for rating organizations/companies. Users can provide feedback, rate their experiences, and read reviews submitted by other users.
Hqzen is an ecosystem used for project management, employee progress monitoring, payroll management, and more. It provides tools and features to streamline various aspects of business operations.
- Link: https://hqzen.com/
Applybpo is a web application used by employers and employees to manage employee information, including personal details, work history, and performance evaluations.
- Link: https://applybpo.com/
Feel free to explore each project by following the respective links.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me at bongomindaniel@gmail.com.