GPTrip is a website that helps you plan your travel. It uses advanced technology from OpenAI to understand what you like and gives you personalized recommendations. The website is made using React, Node.js, and Express. When you visit GPTrip, it asks you questions about where you want to go, when you want to travel, and what you want to do there. It then uses the answers to give you the best recommendation using the power of AI.
GPTrip also uses the Unsplash website to find pictures of the recommended place. It creates a special page for you with all the information about the place, like websites to visit, the location's coordinates, good hotels to stay at, and activities to enjoy. The website looks great and works well on different devices because it uses Tailwind CSS.
To make GPTrip work, it is hosted on Vercel for the front end and Render for the server side. With the help of AI and other technology, GPTrip offers a unique way to plan your travels and discover new and exciting destinations just for you.
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