Boids simulation program that I wrote to learn more about computer graphics.
Key features include:
- .OBJ model loading
- Textures and animations
- Phong shading
- Multiple cameras
- Fog
- Caustics
- Sounds
Change cameras with number keys 1 to 4:
- 1: Behind the boids
- 2: Parallel to the boids
- 3: Centered around the ship in the middle of the map
- 4: Free camera (move with IJKL)
"+" and "-": increase or decrease the amount of fishes
"T": Toggle directional light
"F": Enable/disable fog
Directional Keys: Move light source (i.e. the sun)
F1 to F4: toggle boid movement rules
- F1: Separation
- F2: Cohesion
- F3: Alignment
- F4: Goal
"P": Pause/unpause simulation
"Shift + P": Enable/disable leader boid autopilot
"WASD": Control leader boid when autopilot is disabled
"Q" or "Esc": Close the application
"Right mouse button": Debug info