IMPORTANT: API is based on promises from v0.2.0
Dota2 web api node.js version.See detail here
npm install dota2-api
const Dota2Api = require('dota2-api');
const da = Dota2Api.create('a key');
const options = {game_mode: 1};
da.getMatchHistory(options).then((result) => {
}, (errorResponseStatusText) => {
Methods relating to Dota 2 matches.
Create Dota2Api instance,require a key.(if no, see here)
List of IDs:
- 570 Dota 2 (default)
- 816 Dota 2 internal test
- 205790 Dota 2 (beta) test
const da = Dota2Api.create('a key', 570);
Information about DotaTV-supported leagues. Options:
- leagueid (Optional) (int) – The ID of the league to get the prize pool of.
A list of in-progress league matches, as well as details of that match as it unfolds.
Information about a particular match. Options:
- match_id (string) – Match id
A list of matches, filterable by various parameters. Options:
- hero_id (Optional) (uint32) – A list of hero IDs can be found via the GetHeroes method.
- game_mode (Optional) (uint32)
- 0 - None
- 1 - All Pick
- 2 - Captain's Mode
- 3 - Random Draft
- 4 - Single Draft
- 5 - All Random
- 6 - Intro
- 7 - Diretide
- 8 - Reverse Captain's Mode
- 9 - The Greeviling
- 10 - Tutorial
- 11 - Mid Only
- 12 - Least Played
- 13 - New Player Pool
- 14 - Compendium Matchmaking
- 16 - Captain's Draft
- skill (Optional) (uint32) – Skill bracket for the matches (Ignored if an account ID is specified).
- 0 - Any
- 1 - Normal
- 2 - High
- 3 - Very High
- date_min (Optional) (uint32) – Minimum date range for returned matches (unix timestamp, rounded to the nearest day).
- date_max (Optional) (uint32) – Maximum date range for returned matches (unix timestamp, rounded to the nearest day).
- min_players (Optional) (string) – Minimum amount of players in a match for the match to be returned.
- account_id (Optional) (string) – 32-bit account ID.
- league_id (Optional) (string) – Only return matches from this league. A list of league IDs can be found via the GetLeagueListing method.
- start_at_match_id (Optional) (string) - Start searching for matches equal to or older than this match ID.
- matches_requested (Optional) (number) – Amount of matches to include in results (default: 25).
- tournament_games_only (Optional) (string) – Whether to limit results to tournament matches. (0 = false, 1 = true)
A list of matches ordered by their sequence num. Options:
- start_at_match_seq_num (Optional) (uint64) – The match sequence number to start returning results from.
- matches_requested (Optional) (uint32) – The amount of matches to return.
A list of scheduled league games coming up. Options:
- date_min (Optional) (uint32) – Unix timestamp
- date_max (Optional) (uint32) – Unix timestamp
A list of all the teams set up in-game. Options:
- start_at_team_id (Optional) (uint64) – The team id to start returning results from.
- teams_requested (Optional) (uint32) – The amount of teams to return.
Stats about a particular player within a tournament. Options:
- account_id (string) – 32-bit account ID.
- league_id (Optional) (string) – A list of league IDs can be found via the GetLeagueListing method. Will return status 8 - only supports tournament 65006 (The International) unless you provide 65006.
- hero_id (Optional) (string) – A list of hero IDs can be found via the GetHeroes method.
- time_frame (Optional) (string) – Only return stats between this time frame (parameter format not yet known).
- partner (int32) – Which partner's games to use.
Methods relating to Dota 2.
Dota 2 In-game items Options:
- language (Optional) (string) – The language to provide hero names in.
- iconname (string) – The item icon name to get the CDN path of
- icontype (Optional) (uint32) – The type of image you want.
- 0 = normal
- 1 = large
- 2 = ingame
Dota 2 item rarity list. Options:
- language (Optional) (string) – The language to provide hero names in.
A list of heroes within Dota 2. Options:
- language (Optional) (string) – The language to provide hero names in.
- itemizedonly (Optional) (bool) – Return a list of itemized heroes only.
The current prizepool for specific tournaments. Options:
- leagueid (Optional) (int) – The ID of the league to get the prize pool of.
Implement this methods(
- GetEventStatsForAccount
- GetRealtimeStats
- GetFantasyPlayerStats
- GetPlayerOfficialInfo
- GetBroadcasterInfo
- GetTeamInfo
- GetActiveTournamentList
- SetSteamAccountPurchased
- SteamAccountValidForEvent