Easily pass PHP variables to Javascript
This Plugin requires: CakePHP >=4.x
You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.
The recommended way to install composer packages is:
composer require bor-attila/cakephp-ptj
Enable the plugin in your Application.php:
In View\AppView.php add this to the initialize method:
Instead of
echo $this->Html->scriptBlock('var user = ' . json_encode(['firtname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Connor', 'age' => 15]));
just use (in layout)
'user' => ['firtname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Connor', 'age' => 15],
'language' => 'hu_HU'
// or ..
$this->PhpToJavascript->add('key', 'value');
<?= $this->PhpToJavascript->get(); ?> <!-- Place before all of your script tags -->
<?= $this->Html->script(['libraries.min', '....']); ?>
<?= $this->fetch('script') ?>
In the client side you can use:
p('user'); // Object { firtname: "John", lastname: "Connor", age: 15 }
When you build a hybrid CakePHP and Javascript application, sometimes you want to pass some variable to client. Sure, you can build an API for this - but since the request has already "reached the controller" (to get the template) you can simply "echoes" the variables and if you want to have a nice way to do this - you can use this plugin.
I think this is a better way than building an API, for example, just to know: user's IP address, the current user id, the current language, etc ...
The default configuration is:
'function' => 'p',
'storage' => '__phptojavascript',
'encode' => [
'options' => 0,
'depth' => 512,
'cache' => [
'enabled' => true,
'key' => '__phptojavascript',
'config' => 'default',
the name of the function which helps to reach your stored variable.storage
the name of the global javascript variable where your php variables are stored. Just make sure this is an unique variable name.encode
parameters of the json_encode functioncache
the global function always generated by based onfunction
configuration. You can use this parameter to store it.
//add multiple variable at once
'user' => $user,
'language' => $lang
//adding simple number if does not exists `var1`
$this->PhpToJavascript->add('var1', 1);
//adding array if does not exists `user`, note that you don't need to call json_encode. The plugin will do it for you
$this->PhpToJavascript->add('user', ['firtname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Connor', 'age' => 15]);
//setting and array if exists, will be overwritten
$this->PhpToJavascript->set('user', ['firtname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Connor', 'age' => 15]);
//or remove before $this->PhpToJavascript->get() is called
//prints the main javascript file containing the window.__phptojavascript variable and the p function
echo $this->PhpToJavascript->get();
//the default p function
p(string key, function mutator, default);
p('not_exists'); // undefined
p('user', null, false); // { .... }
p('not_exists', null, false); // false
p('user'); // Object { firtname: "John", lastname: "Connor", age: 15 }
p('user', user => user.age); // 15
// from version 1.1, the second parameter can be a default value or a mutator
// p(string key, any default);
// if the requested key WAS NOT found
// 1. then the second parameter is returned if there is only 2 parameter given
console.assert(p('not_exists', false) === false);
// 2. then the second parameter is ignored, and the third parameter is returned if there is 3 parameter or more
console.assert(p('not_exists', 'ignored', false) === false);
// 3. then the default result is undefined
console.assert(typeof p('not_exists') === 'undefined');
// if the requested key WAS found
// 1. then the value stored on the PHP side will be returned
console.assert(p('user') === window.__phptojavascript.user);
// 2. and the second parameter is a function, then the result will be 'mutated' by the function
console.assert(p('user', x => x.age) === 15);
// 3. and the second parameter is not a function, then the value stored on the PHP side will be returned and the other
// parameters are ignored
console.assert(p('user', 'not a function, so this is ignored', 'default value, but ignored') === window.__phptojavascript.user);
You can use the generate_php_js command to generate a static file with the p
function. The
command to generates a static js file with the window.__phptojavascript = {}; p = ...
You can extend it or bundle it - your choose, but don't forget to tell this to the get method.
bin/cake generate_php_js
echo $this->PhpToJavascript->get(false);
This prevents generating and including the main function into the js output.