Dancer2::Plugin::Argon2 - Handling Argon2 passwords in Dancer2
use Dancer2::Plugin::Argon2;
my $passphrase = passphrase($password)->encoded;
if ( passphrase($password2)->matches($passphrase) ) { ... }
Dancer2::Plugin::Argon2 is a plugin for Dancer2 to manage passwords using Argon2.
The module can be used with the default configuration. But it is possible to change it if necessary. The default configuration may present like this:
cost: 3
factor: '32M'
parallelism: 1
size: 16
package SomeWebApplication;
use Dancer2;
use Dancer2::Plugin::Argon2;
post '/signup' => sub {
my $passphrase = passphrase( body_parameters->get('password') )->encoded;
# and store $passphrase for use later
post '/login' => sub {
# retrieve stored passphrase into $passphrase
if ( passphrase( body_parameters->get('password') )->matches($passphrase) ) {
# passphrase matches
Dancer2::Plugin::Argon2::Passphrase, Crypt::Argon2,
Copyright (C) Sergiy Borodych.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Sergiy Borodych <bor at>