tcp2go is tcp utility tool with following capabilites:
- tcp scanner
- tcp proxy
- Replication of netcat arbitrary bash commands execution
- client (to interact with remote listener)
tcp2go scan <target>
This command will scan all the ports and will output only the ports that are open.
tcp2go proxy -p 3001 -t
This command will start listener on port 3001 and will proxy the clients to given target
netcat contains feature that allows stdin and stdout of any arbitrary programs to be redirected over tcp, turning a single command execution vulnerability into operating system shell access. This feature is usually excluded from builds and tcp2go exec command is replication of netcats feature.
tcp2go exec -p 3002
This command will start listener on port 3002 and will execute the input
To connect and interact with server, interactive client can be started by running
tcp2go connect -t localhost:3002
From there, please behaive.
tcp2go is not published module. To install it, clone this repository and run
git clone
cd tcp2go
go install
- Black Hat Go by Tom Steele, Chris Patten and Dan Kottmann
- RFC793
- Cobra
- Viper