A RESTFUL bucketlist api built on Python Flask that allows users to keep track of the things they want to achieve and experience before reaching a certain age, and to share the fun with others along the way.
To run the app, you need to install a couple of dependencies. Check the requirements.txt
file to see the dependencies. I will guide you on the installation part below.
The api has endpoints that:
a.) Enable users to create accounts and login into the application
EndPoint | Public Access |
POST /auth/register | TRUE |
POST /auth/login | TRUE |
POST /auth/logout | TRUE |
POST /auth/reset-password | TRUE |
b.) Enable users to create, update, view and delete a bucket list
EndPoint | Public Access |
POST /bucketlists/ | FALSE |
GET /bucketlists/ | FALSE |
GET /bucketlists/ | FALSE |
PUT /bucketlists/ | FALSE |
DELETE /bucketlists/ | FALSE |
c.) Add, update, view or delete items in a bucket list
EndPoint | Public Access |
POST /bucketlists//items/ | FALSE |
PUT /bucketlists//items/<item_id> | FALSE |
DELETE /bucketlists//items/<item_id> | FALSE |
- Token based authentication
- Searching based on the name using a GET parameter q
- Pagination; users can specify the number of results they would like to have via a GET parameter limit
You need to have Python installed to run the application. I also use postgres database.
Use this simple tutorial I wrote to set it up within minutes - https://medium.com/@BoreCollins/task-automation-on-linux-3cf68fe0b389
Remember to also set up virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to manage the dependencies (the tutorial shall guide you)
Now clone the repo to get a copy of the working directory on your local machine.
Fire up your terminal/cmd and paste the following command: git clone https://github.com/borenho/flask-bucketlist-api.git and press Enter
into the project directory, likecd flask-bucketlist-api
and press enter -
Once you're done, install all the requirements with the following command (paste it on your terminal)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a
file to store the environment variables, type intouch .env
Copy and paste the following to it:
source my-virtualenv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP="run.py"
export SECRET="a-very-random-string-that-should-not-be-human-readable,-just-kidding-"
export APP_SETTINGS="development"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost/dev_db"
- Once everything is running well, activate the virtualenv with source .env
- Now run the aplication with
python manage.py runserver
- Use postman to test the api endpoints
- In your terminal within the project directory, run
nosetests --rednose
- And to check test coverage percentage run
nosetests --rednose --with-coverage
- Kibet Ruto