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Neil Castelino edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

Building for deployment

This requires eclipse's PDE build.

  1. Assuming a new workspace in Eclipse, click on File > Import > Git > Projects from Git and on the next screen, Clone URI. Paste in the git URI to the repo which may be found on the repository's page.
  2. After the application fetches the repository's information, select the target directory for the project, select master as the working branch, and check the option to clone submodules. Click on next > Finish.
  3. Edit pom.xml and remove the following exclude configuration, and save the changes. It was only added to please TravisCI
  1. Right click on the project in the package explorer and click on Maven > Update project. Check Force update of snapshots/releases and click on OK.
  2. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the feature-project branch
  3. Create an update site
    • Create a new update site project. Go to File > New > Project > Update Site Project and create a name.
    • Check the option Generate a web page listing all available features within the site
    • Click on Finish.
  4. Double click on site.xml within the update site project. Add a new category and name it appropriately. Then click on Add Feature and select gfmeclipse.feature.
  5. Click on the feature which is now listed in the window and click on Synchronize and then Build. The update site project is now populated with a feature and plugin jar.
  6. Convert the update site project to a maven project (If there is a better way to export this, let me know).
    • Right click on the project and click on Configure > Convert to Maven project
    • Use the default settings and click on Finish.
  7. Export the project
    • Right click on the update site project
    • Click on Export > Java > Jar File
    • Fill out the checkboxes like in the screenshots and click on Finish

If you plan on deploying, follow the update site deployment instructions next.

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