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Neil Castelino edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 3 revisions


Pre-requisites: Compiling, or downloading a release, or having an update site URL (TBD)

  1. Click on Help > Install new software
  2. Click on Add > Archive and browse to the directory where the jar was compiled or downloaded to. If you have an update site URL, simply paste that into the URL prompt.
  3. Check the feature which corresponds to what the plugin feature was named during the build. In this case, GFM_Eclipse and click Next.
  4. Confirm, accept EULA, and click on Finish.
  5. If a warning shows up about installing software with unsigned content, that is fine unless you explicitly signed it in the first place. Click on install anyway and restart Eclipse when prompted.

Now, open up a .md file (right click > open with > Markdown Editor) and verify the plugin works.

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