MAYouTubeBot is the App for searching video on YouTube using TelegramBot.
You can use MAYouTubeBot by going to Telegram, finding it by name, typing 2-3 words of interest and here it is! MAYouTubeBot would give you the most relative video to you search. Just there, at your telegram chat!
- Java 8
- SpringBoot 2.1.3 RELEASE
- Maven 4.0.0
- MavenCheckstylePlugin 2.17
- 8.18
- CircleCI for checkstyle tests and build check
- Travis CI for checkstyle tests and build check
- GoogleCheckstyle
- HttpClient 4.5.6
- Jackson 2.9.7
- YouTube Java API v3
The description will be implemented later after deployment.
- Create a new telegram bot.
Check how to obtain Telegram credentials
- Configure YouTube API v3 and obtain an API key.
Check how to obtain YouTube credentials.
- Contributing to project.