Use vs::set, vs::queue, vs::stack as their STL counterparts std::set, std::queue, std::stack, but with transparent memory versioning under the hood. You need to use vs::thread for creating threads with versioned variables.
Also starring poor man's AVL vs::tree!!
- All project requirements fullfilled.
- Library interface fills like STL, at least in most used places.
- Versions-aware iterators
- Initializer list constructors everywhere
- Goodbye
- Goodbye
- Modern doxygen documentation on github pages
- Godawful mix of codestyles. Blame C influence, Mom!
- Transparent fokr/join mechanism using vs::thread.
- Library relies on c++20 concepts for faster polymorphism
- Main goal was to study them and find use for them
- Catch2 modern testing framework.
- Custom user-defined merge strategies.
- A working demo of creating a frequency tree with multiple threads.
- ranges and views support
- no time left due to mismanagement.
- move semantics
- who in their right mind will move MT-collections?? Although, implementaion is doable.
cmake CMakeLists.txt
It will automatically clone and build the Catch2 testing framework.
Lib is
./demo_tree test/lorem.txt
Run through cmake integration:
make run-tests
Or run binary for compact output:
List available tests
./tests --list-tests
Run tests by tag:
./tests "[basic]"